This is a message distribution forum for the Howell High School band. If you have any questions, you can email the director, Jason Smigell at The band office phone number is 517 234 6446. Emails sent to the email address are public. All personal, non-business emails should be directed to
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Tickets cost $5 each
Every student going to New York will be asked to sell a minimum of 10 tickets. They will come home through school on TUESDAY - (school for Monday was cancelled at 7 PM tonight!)
Ticket money will be due Feb 1st.
Anyone who has NOT paid for marching uniforms to be cleaned MUST pay before we can accept the second payment on the New York Trip. Second deposit is due as soon as you come back from Christmas break!
Happy Snow Day!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
For all band members: Don't forget to get your tickets for the New York New York raffle drawing to be held at the next concert February 13, 2008! Earn money for your band account or the New York trip!! Get them now and sell them over the holiday break to family and friends :)
First prize is $750.00 cash
Second prize is $100.00 cash
Third prize is $50.00 cash
Contact Bert Schomberger at 517.304.3521 or Julie Dennis 517.303.4850
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Please remember to dress appropriately. Dressy!
Cookie or holiday treats appreciated!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Call me for info:
Julie Dennis
Please scroll down for important info on LV auditions and a help for moving the instruments etc. for the concert!
Here is all we know about Livingston County Honors Band 2007-2008:
2007-2008 Audition and Performance Information
What: The Livingston County Honors Band is comprised of students from the five current high schools in Livingston County. It is a great opportunity for meeting new people, playing with great musicians, and… YOU GET A PIN!
Who: Any band member in the Howell High School Instrumental Program
Where: Fowlerville High School and Performing Arts Center
When: Auditions are Wed, Dec 12, anytime between 4:30-8:00PM. The reading session is Monday, Jan 14, Time TBA. The all day rehearsals are on Saturday, Jan 19 8:30Am-3Pm and Mon Jan 21 from 8am-3pm.
Audition materials available in the band room. Make sure to read the entire page for requirements.
Performance is on Monday, Jan 21 at 7:30 PM in the Fowlerville Performing Arts Center.
CD’s will be available after the performance for a nominal fee.
Good Luck!
700 N Grand Ave, Fowlerville, MI
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
And now closer to home...
Concert, Tuesday Dec. 11th at 7 PM is at THE OLD HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL ! IN the NEW old Auditorium...please pass this on to parents, grandma and anyone who be be lost if you don't tell them about the location!
DRESS CODE - dressy clothes - not uniforms, but please remember "nice" clothes for the night
AND - logistics..we have to MOVE stands, percussion equipment, chairs and misc. musical stuff TO Howell High on Tuesday - so hands are needed at 3 PM to make this happen. Really pass this on to any parents that might be able to help !
Rock Smigell's house (musically that is)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Hope you read the past blog that the NEW YORK DEPOSIT is due today as mentioned at the informational meeting! This gives the tour group confirmation on the amount of students and chaperones which then determines the bottom line amount and the success of performance for this trip.
Little Caesar pizza kits will be in tomorrow hopefully around 2:00 at the loading dock by the band room. Please make arrangements to pick up tomorrow in the band room since there is no area to store anytime after tomorrow. Becky C. could use help with distribution, so if you intend on picking up your order please consider staying and helping!
Julie Dennis
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Now, onward and upward to NEW YORK!
$100 deposit is due December 3rd, that's MONDAY! Checks made out to Howell High School Bands, and put in the band room mailbox.
If you need the info again and it is not on the website by the time you read this, email Bert and I will send it on to you.
Final price depends on how many are going, so we have to get all deposits in before we know.
Happy December - see you at the concert on the 11th!
Bert S
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
1. As of today, the Parade manager was trying to get us to leave Parker 15 minutes early, but in return for this they will allow the busses to stay at the parking lot so we can stay on them if the weather is wet until closer to parade time. Please arrive at Parker NO LATER THAN 4:45 in case this is happening!
2. We are traveling on two busses, not three, so we may need help getting instruments to town. Also, we will need help with uniforms.
2. As of next year ALL people walking the parade route will be required to have some type of light on them - so we are AHEAD of the game, and this year glow necklaces will be given to each band member and every parent walking with the band. Please don't bring your own lights , we are going for the "uniform" look !
3. UNIFORMS - MANY people have not paid for the cleaning of their uniform. We must have your $20 by December 1st! Coupon books will be available at the school before and after the parade.
4. Be advised, per the parade gurus, Grand River will close down early this year to accommodate the Budweiser Clydesdale's. Get to town early if you are coming to watch!
Happy Thanksgiving to all !
Thursday, November 15, 2007
- Report Time: 4:45 pm
- Report Location: Howell High School Parker Campus, Band Room, the loading dock doors should be open.
- When you report get your uniform, instrument, and be ready to load the buses.
- The parade starts at 7 pm.
- We are Number 22 in the parade. This is somewhere in the middle.
- We hope to leave the parade for the school around 8:15 pm.
- For those parents who are coming out to watch, the roads are closed off at 6 pm so get there early and get a great seat to watch the festivities and cheer on our Highlanders.
- I'm soooooo excited to see you all there!
More information to come . . .
Ms. Love
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Little Caesar pizza fundraiser! Order forms in band room. Orders due by the 26th.
Snedicor booklets. Contact Bert(546.1993)to purchase since she is tracking. The coupon book covers the cost of cleaning and then some great coupons to use or pass on. Remember this is a fundraiser open to all band students. So every book sold after the first(this pertains to marching band students), a portion is put into student acct. Everyone else each book sold, again, a portion goes into acct.
Spiritwear available. Grey personalized hoodie($35.00)and plaid fleece pants($25.00). Contact me at 517.303.4850/
Oh yeah, fourth is to view the pics on (senior night is not on there yet) from the football games and
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Here is some more information on the events coming up for the band program:
-Tomorrow, The wind ensemble will be performing for a veteran's day assembly. At the conclusion of 1st hour, the people involved in the perfomance should immedietly go down to the band room, get out their instrument, then go down to the field house. The assembly will take all of 2nd hour. DRESS IS; SOMETHING NICE!! (dress code for the first concert.)
-The jazz band auditions are wrapped up and results will be posted on monday after lunch. The first rehearsal will be on Nov. 26th, 2007.
Rehearsals for the Fantasy of Lights parade are Tuesday, 11/13/07 3pm-4pm, Wednesday 11/14, 11:00am-12:00 (because of halfday), and Thursday, 11/15, 3-4pm. The parade is on the day after Thanksgiving Friday, 11/23/07. More information on the parade itself very soon.
The next concert is coming up Dec. 11, 2007. It will be at 7pm and we are hoping to have it at the NEWLY REFURBISHED HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM at OLD HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL! Cross your fingers...
ok.. that should be it for now...
Friday, November 02, 2007
Great job EVERYBODY at the concert! Kids, you sounded GREAT! Parents, you helped a TON!! Hooray! In all seriousness, I thought things went very well. A nice first concert and the new space worked better than I thought it would. We are still going to use the old (but newly refitted!) Howell Auditorium for the rest of our concerts, but it was a nice change.
NEW YORK PARENT (and student) MEETING IS NEXT THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8TH!!!! 7 PM!!! WOOT! Anyone who wants to go to New York with the Howell Band needs to come to this meeting!
(It will be in the Parker band room)
Incidentally, the date is March 12-15 2008!!
There will be representatives from the touring company that is helping us set up the trip... Items to be discussed will be the itinerary, the cost, fundraising opportunities and anything else you would like ask.
Some other pieces of new include:
-Jazz band tryouts will occur next Wednesday. Tryout pieces are being distributed today.
-The SOLO AND ENSEMBLE application deadline is coming up. People interested in S&E should talk to Mr. Smigell SOON
More info on the way. Get in the habit of checking the blog, because other items like Livingston county honors band, Irish music ensemble, and Howellpalooza are on their way!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
First: Hockey band people read the permission slip in the last post!
Third: There is a concert coming up NEXT TUSDAY Oct 30th. It is at Parker HS at 7PM. All concert band, percussion ensemble, Symponic Band, and Wind Ensemble members are REQUIRED to perform. Report time is 6:30 Pm in the Parker Band Room. Attire is "wear something nice" for this particular concert. This means:
-no jeans
-no tennis shoes
-no t-shirts
-no jogging pants/sweats
-School appropriate
-no shorts
-NO Saggy pants
-nice corduroy (sp?)
-khaki pants
-shirt with tie
-appropriate skirt and blouse... etc.
-Appropriate slacks/sweater etc.
-Coat and tie if you feel like it.
A full suit or tuxedo is probably a little much but if you want to snazz it up, that is cool.
The New York Trip "new date" is very close to being solidified. Please stay tuned, it will be posted as soon as I have SOLID info.
ok.. I think that is it...
I give my child ________________________ permission to go to Ann Arbor, MI to play for the University of Michigan Hockey team. The band will leave by bus at 6:30 PM (REPORT TIME IS 6:30). The game is at 8:30 at YOST ICE ARENA. The band will return by 12:00 midnight.
Initial here if you are taking your child home in your own vehicle after the game.
______________________ (initial)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
to all of the parents who drove,fetched, fed and CLEANED on Saturday. With their help we delivered a small army of bandos to downtown Howell who raised just over $1800.00 for their student accounts! The Boosters voted at the last meeting to pay all expenses for this Tag Day out of our own money, and to not take the usual split of the proceeds from the day, so ALL of the money raised will go to the students. As of right now I figure it will come out to about $25 per shift worked...I'm not going to get to the exact number 'till next week, sorry! We'll keep you posted... I was proud of the way you all worked together, and have heard from several businesses that were genuinely happy to have you at their doors! There ARE great things happening in Howell schools, you are proof.
Bert S.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well, I can't believe that we are almost at the end of the main marching season already! It really has been a lot of fun. Here is all the news and information that I an think of right now:
Runthrough/Practice: 3:00PM at parker stadium
4:00 band dismissed until report time
5:00 ish... tailgate begins.. Senior parents, make sure to come get a piece of cake!
6:00 Everyone report in... put on uniforms
6:20 Step off
6:30 Senior recognition ceremony... Senior Parents, please be at the back gates of the Parker stadium by this time. We will enter the stadioum together and have a nice little event.
6:45 Pregame
7:00 Kick off
OK.. on to some other pieces of news:
Hockey band is coming up (This is when the Howell band traves to Ann Arbor to sub for the Unversity of Michigan Hockey Pep band). Audition pieces have been passed out. Auditions will take place next monday, Oct. 22. Rehearsals will be tues, wed, and thurs next week during normal MB time (3-4:30PM) The actual date is next saturday, Oct 27th, 2007. We will probably be leavin Howell around 5pm that day.
Our first "sit down" concert of the year is oct 30th, at 7 pm in the Parker auditorium. More information forthcoming.
Jazz band auditions will take place after the first concert.
The New York trip was originally scheduled for the weekend of april 27th 2008. Because of a scheduling conflict with prom (the date for prom was scheduled two years ago and then not put on the school calendar. Due to a contract, the school cannot change the date of prom), we are going tohave to change the date for our trip. We will have a solid date by next week. in two weeks, we will have a parent/student meeting to re-inform everyone, and in about three weeks, the first $50.00 non-refundable deposit wil be due (other future payments may be refundable depending on date of cancellation, for those of you wondering).
Ok. I think that is it...
see you tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Snedicor coupons books will be available(after kids are dressed) You will need this coupon book purchased before signing out and having uniform cleaned. Recommend to take in for maintenance and cleaning would be after MB has finished performing this season. Next time to wear will be Fantasy of Lights and then a long stored time until Memorial Day parade. It is most important to maintain for long storage. These books can be purchased in quantities by anyone in the Band! Contact Bert anytime at 546.1993 for purchase or details of this fundraiser.
Also, Senior group pics and great candid band photos can be viewed on and purchased directly by contacting Richard Lim or see him at the tailgate also. Also check also for updated photos.
Julie Dennis
scroll down to view previous post from Bertie. Carol needs food for Friday and she needs drivers for Saturday!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Carol Stone has volunteered to organize the tailgate, as our usual hostess (Mrs. Dennis) has a senior, and therefore gets the night "off" - The menu is as follows, please bring what you can. All Seniors, please invite your parents & siblings to eat with the band. We will most likely eat around 5PM - if that changes, I'll post the time here.....
Please email to let her know what you can bring.... or leave a message with Bert @ 546-1993
Swedish Meatballs
Baked Beans
Macaroni & Cheese (Stoffers Family Size -need two more. they were a huge hit last year)
Tossed Salad & dressings
Rolls & Butter
Bottled Water
Thanks, Bert
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Highlanders looked great Tuesday night at Walled Lake - did you hear the standing "O" they got? - Drumline with blindfolds! Awesome ! Parents and fans alike were proud of you ALL!
Please check back here soon for info on the Tailgate for the Senior Game - Friday Oct 19- we will need food! All Seniors parents are invited to join us.
TAG DAY - is Sat 10-20-07 We have slots for 92 kids to make $ - If you have NOT signed up yet - do it MONDAY in the Band Room - Don't miss out on starting a New York trip fund -ALL BAND MEMBERS CAN WORK TAG DAY!
Bert S.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
For a quick little feather in your cap kids, cut right to the end of this post...
Thank you Bert for the partial but much more timely post... I deleted it only to avert confusion...
Ok.. Here is what I know about festival. If you have any other questions, please email me at
(In no particular order)
-All marching Band Students are excused from 6th hour on Tuesday, Oct. 9 2007. Go directly from 5th hour to marching band
-During 6th hour, we will practice just a little bit more, then pack up
-The busses will pick us up and go at 4PM
-Walled Lake Western HS is located at 600 Beck rd, Walled Lake, MI 48390 (for you mapquest folks)
-We warm up at 5:10 pm and perform at 5:45PM
-Kids will either want to bring a snack for the bus or a little cash for after the festival (we will stop at fast food on the way back)
-We hope to be back around 8PM
-If you want to go home with your parents (or some other adult that your parents trust), you need to present a note from your parents giving permission to either leave with them or the adult of your choice. All students must go on the bus TO the festival
-Color Guard, don't forget your blindfolds
-Everyone in marching band is invited to wear nice clothes during the day. Not required, just invited.
-Make sure to also bring your marching black shoes, black socks, and green band shirt to wear under your uniform
-Weather should be PERFECT for our uniforms and for marching... Woot!
-There will be no Marching band practice on Wednesday, OCT 10th enjoy!
-There will be no drumline on thursday, Oct. 11, enjoy!
-THERE WILL BE GENERAL (everybody has to be at it) MARCHING BAND PRACTICE on Thursday, oct 11, 2007
-There are two pep bands this week (both optional) JV football at home on thursday night, and Away Varsity football on Friday night.
-EVERYONE DRINK LOTS OF WATER TONIGHT!!! We Sweated and performed our fannies off!! Make sure to rehydrate!
WHAT A WONDERFUL REHEARSAL!!! I am so proud of all of you, and you know I mean it!!!
I can't wait for tomorrow (today, technically)!!!!!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Here is some important information:
We are doing things a little differently for the Brighton Game tomorrow:
(obviously, this is the for marching band kids and thier parents)
#1. The run through will happen RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL from 3pm to 4pm-ish. This is the mandatory pregame practice. At this point, the kids will be dismissed until 6 oclock. At six, the kids need to report to the band room to get into their uniforms (more on that later)
#2. the tailgate will be occurring at the same time it always does. Kids (and parents) if you want to eat, you may want to come back a little earlier than 6pm.
OK.. HUGE UNIFORM ANNOUNCEMENT!!! There is supposed to be a record high tomorrow... thus, as before, we are "hedging our bets" until the last moment. EVERY MEMEBR OF THE MARCHING BAND NEEDS TO BRING THEIR GREEN BAND SHIRT (this years's shirt), KHAKI SHORTS, BLACK SHOES AND BLACK SOCKS. If it is too hot near game time, we may have the kids march in the alternate uniform. If kids don't bring the alternate uniform, we will be forced to all wear the SWELTERING uniforms if it is too hot.
#3. MARCHING FESTIVAL IS NEXT TUESDAY OCT 9. Performance is at 5:30 ish pm at walled lake western. The kids will be leaving almost straight after school. More info forthcoming.
#4. There will be no practice next wednesday, october 10th.
ok... that's it for now!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Julie Dennis
517.303.4850 cell/leave detailed message
Monday, September 24, 2007
There were some pictures taken of the band at the last two home football games bytwo photographers. has them posted on their website to view now along with football etc. Another local photographer, Richard Lim has taken some also and are currently posted on his proof viewing gallery. That gallery is Check out both! Our band website contains picks currently from last year by parents Bob Schiebold, Rick Kobylarz etc. The Press and Argus has given a few photos in their photo galllery every Friday too. The website will be updated soon with pics from drum major, band camp and the parades to get us up to speed. Keep checking!
Please scroll down and review last director's blog...if you haven't already.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
As always.. READ THE POST BELOW THIS ONE!!! It explains a lot about the uniform situation, and provides a nice game recap. I was particularly proud of the kids for WORKING THIER BEHINDS OFF on Friday. Even when they were thrown a few curve balls, they adapted nicely. GREAT JOB!
Couple pieces of news.....
#1. I will not be in regular school tomorrow (Monday, sept. 23, 2007), but I WILL BE THERE FOR THE EVENING MARCHING BAND REHEARSAL... which brings us to the second big piece of news:
#2. We are going to adding a half hour to every one of our rehearsals until we are done with festival (Oct. 9). Here are the reasons:
a. We have a great show but by my count we have lost a week and a day of regular rehearsals due to the new building growing pains.
b. We have an exceptional group of kids and we want them to do well at festival
c. We only 9 rehearsals left (just about 2 weeks) and the big event in our season is done. I know it is a bit of an inconvenience, but I am hoping that people will understand and will appreciate the results in the end.
so, that means that the practice schedule looks like this for the next two weeks
Monday 5:30-8:30pm at the Parker football field.
Tuesday-Thursday 3-4:30pm at the stealth field.
Kids (and parents), if you have conflicts with either your job or school, please let me know. Otherwise, I expect to see everyone there during the new times. I understand that some of you will have to leave early because of some things that you cannot get out of this week, but please make an effort first, and let me know if you are leaving early.
ok... I think that is it for now... more information soon!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Speaking of uniforms, if you haven't received a copy of the letter that details the fundraiser between Snedicors and the band boosters please contact myself or Bert(517.546.1993/ find out the details. It is possible that this information will be mailed within a week to your home. MB students, after selling the first book will be entitled to cleanings, repairs etc. of their uniform along with submitting the profits to their student account. Non marching band students can also benefit after the sale of the first book. Student accounts can be applied to the New York trip or music related needs only. Details to follow.
Spiritwear, whether band booster Tshirts, flannel bottoms and hoodies are available too. We have a few orders and will be placing it shortly. Parents, yes you are a band booster member as a band parent. We don't ask for much just to support you child in the program, so order a shirt! The cost is not for profit. The flannel bottoms can be personalized along with the hoodie and there will be samples at the next band booster meeting. Even though you may have placed an order of the spiritwear at orientation or wish to purchase now please contact me ASAP! Turnaround time is quick! great gifts for your kids or yourself.
Also, if any parent wants to see a Kodak moment? Get to the loading dock after a win and watch how proud the band is with their hats on backwards and then allowed to dance to their own music. Awesome! great job with the craziness yesterday Mr. Smigell! that was lots of work on your part!
Julie Dennis
517.546.0996 home before 8:30
517.303.4850 cell anytime
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We are good with:
garlic bread
napkins and plates
a salad
Could use a more desserts, another salad with toppings
and lots of WATER!
Please bring items to the tailgate area by 3:oo.(I will be there at 2:30 if you want to earlier) We may not notice items placed in the band room. If your child is bringing to school, please have them set in the instrument room by our pile of items along the wall :). Mr. Smigell is kind enough not to complain about this. Only two more games after Friday.
KIDS, remember to bring or preferably wear your pirate shirt, bring or wear your khaki shorts, black socks and solid black shoes Friday (you have the Pep assembly anyway!), weather permitting just in case.
Look for updates even the day of.
Julie Dennis
517.303.4850 leave a message
scroll down to the directors notes for the remainder of the week and Homecoming please!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Garlic bread
tossed salad with selection of toppings
gatorade or lemonade mix for 5qts. containers
foam bowls(200 ct or more)
small cups(200 ct. or more)
Right now we have one large pan of mostacholli and strudel from Pam Glynn
Pan of mostacholli from Mrs. Kobylarz
Help is needed to feed, help with uniforms, greet 8th graders, ride the bus with directors and walk the parade route with the kids.
Donations of food and times call or email me.
Julie Dennis
517.303.4850 cell
517.546.0996 before 8:30 p.m.
Please scroll below for the director's comments about Homecoming practice and Friday's happenings!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Here is the Homecoming edition of the blog (yay!)
Wednesday: Rehearsal for HSMB (High School Marching Band) from 3-4 pm Start inside for film then outside
Thursday: Rehearsal for HSMB from 3-4pm Outside
Drumline rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM
Friday: HOMECOMING!!! High Schoolers please read all of this! Middle schoolers, please read all of this!
6th hour all HSMB goto the pep rally.
Right after school HSMB rehearses at the parker football field
Around 3:30 HSMB (only) gets fed and gets into uniforms
4:30ish HSMB gets on bus
5:30 HSMB steps off for the homecoming parade (begins at Paige Field, ends at the Presb. Church)
5:45 MIDDLE SCHOOLERS arrive at parker high school and drop their things off at the band room. Pick up a donut at the tailgate (only light snacks available before the game).Goto the "Stealth Field" People will be there to show you. UNIFORM FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLERS TO BE DETERMINED BY THEIR MS DIRECTOR (Mr. Stimson/Mr. Marzewski). It will probably be something like a Howell Band shirt and either jeans or shorts.
6:30 Step-off for the stadium Middle school parents, the performing eighth graders get in free, but unfortunately if you want to watch them, you have to pay.
7:00 Kickoff
Around 7:40ish (could be later or earlier) Halftime and homecoming wonderfulness.
9-9:30ish game over. Please pick up your child promptly, as they lock the building up tight at 10pm nowadays.
Couple of other facts:
HSMB will be wearing their actual Marching Uniforms. The forecast is still favorable at this time. HOWEVER, PLEASE BRING YOUR 07-08 BAND SHIRT AND KHAKI SHORTS IN CASE THE WEATHER IS DIFFERENT. Please do not worry, we will not bake you! (or your child)
HSMB will be fed at the early tailgate (menu and details to come soon). Only snacks will be provided for everyone at the later tailgate (Again, more info to come)
Ok.. In reference to all of the people waiting for audition postings, they might come tonight, they might be up tomorrow on the blog. I will try hard to add them up tonight.
Also.... please mark oct 9th on your calendar... HSMB has MARCHING FESTIVAL THAT DAY.
Finally, Angie Kimball (bagpiper teacher extraordinaire) is back in town. Josie and Kaitlyn are currently our only two pipers (glad to have them!). We need a few more pipers! Angie is giving lessons and has asked me to post her contact #s:
517 618 9019 (home)
Angie, I wasn't sure if you wanted the cell posted as well, let me know ( if you do.
OK... I think that is it!!!
p.s. HOORAY FOR EIGHTH GRADERS!! You all marched pretty well! It was cool to meet you all and work with you for a little bit. You all need to join marching band next year!! AWESOME!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
First of all READ THE POST BELOW THIS ONE!!! I cannot thank the parents that have helped me enough!! Holy cow would I be lost without you (those parents listed below plus many more, but especially those listed below).
Thanks to ALL OF THE KIDS FOR A GREAT SHOW ON FRIDAY!!! I know a little of it was stressful, but you really came through! The team is going to win some, and lose some. Don't let that affect the way you feel about your performance! SUPER DOOPER! Still lots of dings, but coming along nicely. We hopefully will have some film to look at and we can address things sometime on Monday.
Speaking of Monday, That is the rehearsal with our future Bandos, the EIGHTH GRADERS!!! Hooray! The practice goes from 5:30PM-8PM monday 9/17/07. The eighth graders will be practicing with us until 7:30. We will do a little bit on our own after they are done. It will begin in the Parker Band ROOM at 5:30 SHARP/
Rehearsals tues, wed, and thurs next week are normal (3pm-4pm, at the bus lot "stealth" field).
This is also the week of HOMECOMING. Much more info will be coming very soon, but basically FRIDAY IS THE LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR FOR MARCHING BAND PEOPLE. They have the pep assembly, the parade, and the game, with almost no breaks in between. They will not have any time to go home in between, so they must have everything with them. It is fun, but exhausting. Again, more info about uniforms, stepoff times, and everything else by tuesday at the latest, but keep in mind FRIDAY IS TOTALLY OCCUPIED BY HOMECOMING (Don't worry, it's cool, I just want to get the point across).
In the day classes, we are still doing auditions for placements. I hope to be done either tomorrow or Tuesday. Percussion class is busy performing their first playing tests of the year and researching pieces for our upcoming "video game" concert.
Seniors who want a rec letter for college, get in touch with me soon (at least to let me know when you need it). I write a decent rec letter, but if they all come at once, it gets tough
Seniors who want to major in music WE NEED TO TALK SOON about your auditions and which schools you want to send applications. I would really like to help you on this. Please let me know.
Props go out to my staff, Michelle, Elise, and Quade!
Julie and Bert... What else can I say about how wonderful you two are?
Sue, constant medstaff! Thanks!
Louis... Sweet website!
My Bosses Mr. Smith, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Borders, and Mr. Shrock I know you are doing the best you can! Keep it up!
Last but CERTAINLY not least (In no particular order): Thanks to Joe, Mike, Kat, Matt, Gary, Jess, Jack, Tim, Will, Michelle, Kim, Laura, Kevin,Lauren, Jeremy, Ben, Britanny and anyone else I have forgotten (I know I have forgotten somebody... no biggy let me know and I will edit you into the post) THE MINION CORPS!!!! Making every day great and better than expected.
Oh yes, finally, I have a really crazy idea that would be life changing if we could pull it off. Goto this address:
it is my myspace blog. It is about my idea for a human-powered concert tour.
ok... I think that is it.
Until very soon,
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday the 21st is Homecoming and 8th grade night. Already Pam Glynn offerred to make a large pan of mostacholli and apple strudel(MMmmm!). Additional suggestions were tossed salads and garlic bread. Treats and coffee for the parents will be provided. Monday night the blog will detail more. Suggestions are always appreciated.
Please RSVP food and attendance because parents are always welcome.
Hey, thanks Mr. Smigell for keeping it together for the kids amidst all the craziness. You are appreciated!
Julie Dennis
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We are going to prepare subs of turkey and ham. We currently have lots of meat and about 100 buns. (there are approximately 120 kids and a half doz. assistants to feed) Cider will be served along with lemonade and water of course.
Needed condiments are as follows:
Shredded lettuce
tomato slices
more sub buns
(3)pasta, potato, or reg. salads
(3)fruit platters
(3)veggie platters
*identify your dishes if you wish them returned. they will be left in the band room for pick up after the game.
Any of the above donations or your suggested items to bring to feed the kids would be appreciated. (treats are okay too) Stick around too, parents are always welcome.
They eat immediately at 5:30, so anything should be there by 4:30-5:00 please. I will be there by 4:00 to set up and make subs. Your help is appreciated to :)
Call to let me know what you will bring.
Julie Dennis
517.546.0996 before 9:00 p.m.
517.303.4850 cell anytime and please leave a message with your phone number if you want a call back.
Always scroll down to previous blogs....just so you don't miss anything important!!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hey, I just wanted everybody that sent me CARPOOL emails to know that I sent them all to Mr. Sequin, our fabulous webmaster of If you are having trouble getting a ride (or ride for your kids) with the new schedules, take a look two or three posts ago on this blog!
More info about everything coming up very soon (including a CALENDAR!!! WOW!)
p.s. The Kraken drill almost worked!! A little tweeking and it should be sweet!
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Hello everyone! Here is the latest and most up to date information I can give you!
#1. It has ended up that Wind Ensemble will NOT be performing for the Sept. 11 ceremony. There are simply too many other obligations we have to meet right now, and the performance space was the wrong size for our group.
#2. The "ad-hoc-grass-roots" Jazz Band (Veteran memebers of Jazz Band or Band Veterans who are interested) WILL be performing at the Parker High School dedication ceremony on Sunday Sept 9th at 1:45pm. Report time will be 1:15PM in the Parker High Band room. WE WILL BE PRACTICING FROM 3:00-4:30PM TOMORROW, FRIDAY, SEPT 7!!!
#3. There is a pep band away game TOMORROW NIGHT FRIDAY SEPT 7th, 2007 IN MILFORD. Kids must wear their band shirt (the pirate one) in order to get in for free. They also must sign up at school beforehand so we know how many kids are coming. REPORT TIME AT MILFORD HS is 6:30PM AT THE MAIN TICKET GATE. Maps to Milford High will be available in school. Please read the post about 2 or 3 back to learn more about pep band. I must say, these are usually SUPER DOOPER (sp?) FUN!!!
#4. Auditions for all bands (concert, symphonic, and wind ensemble) will begin on Tuesday, Sept 11. Audition pieces will be passed out tomorrow in class.
Monday 9/10/07: Evening rehearsal 5:30-8PM at parker football field
Wed 9/12/07: Same as Tuesday
Thurs9/13/07: Same as Tuesday
Friday9/14/07 HOME GAME VS NOVI: Current report time is 4:30PM Current uniform is same as last week (Pirate band shirt, COMPLETELY BLACK SHOES, Black Socks, Khaki shorts. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that we are now enforcing the strict uniform policy, students will not be allowed to march if they do not have the right uniform. Tailgate will begin around 5:20PM (more info on that soon) Stepoff will be at around 6:45 and the game usually ends around 9:30PM.
#6. I will not be in school during the normal school day tomorrow. I WILL BE AT THE AFTER SCHOOL JAZZ BAND REHEARSAL AND AT THE PEP GAME!!!! HAVE NO FEAR.
#7. I am forwarding the carpool requests to Mr. Sequin. Please read the blog below and other previous blogs for important info....
Ok.. I think that is it. Sorry for being cranky today kids, I am trying to make sure you get you the best situation possible, I promise.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I have an interesting idea... There are a lot of people who have been asking me about having trouble finding rides both to school (for zero hour) and after school (i.e. marching band). Suddenly it dawned on me: "Hey, we have an enormous pool of people with same problems but lots of combined rescources... Let's use our size to our advantage!!!"
OK.. I may live to regret this, but I am going to propose that we set up a forum or something to pair up these people with each other... Band power in action!!
Send me an email ( with "CARPOOL" in all caps in the subject line. Let me know where you live (general area) and what time your kid needs a ride. I will forward these postings to Mr. Sequin and see if he he can make a bulletin board out of them... hopefully this can help everyone get to school more conveniently... (Louis, sorry if this catches you off guard, but I will forget if I don't post this now).
What do you think?
Monday, September 03, 2007

Hello Everybody!
I can't tell you how pleased I was with every single aspect of the game, because there isn't a word for GALACTICALLY PLEASED! The parents who helped before, during, and after the game made the impossible possible. The KIDS... HOLY SMOKES! Now, nobody get a big head (We have a LONG way to go!), but that was the best first performance I have seen out of this marching band. If we continue to work hard and practice well, I know we will be able to achieve our goals (and play a really SWEET show!). Thanks to every single person involved!
OK... this is the kind of year that will keep us busy (and surprised) from the first day until the very last one in June. I want you all to know that in addition to trying new and wonderful things and making all kinds of music with the kids, one of my big personal goals is to keep the students and parents better informed. Having said that, I have only little bits of information for you because a lot of things are still changing minute to minute. Parker is a cool building, but it is a new building, and it will take at least a few weeks before things settle down. Here is the best that I can offer for you right now:
#1. Rehearsals at this point will begin at 3:00PM and end at 4:00 except on Fridays and Mondays. Monday rehearsal will be in the evening and friday will either have a home game or a pep game, so there usually is just a report time. Friday will be slightly different each week.
#2. There IS rehearsal tomorrow at 3:00 PM in the Parker Band Room. We will not be marching but BRING YOUR INSTRUMENT!! It will go unil 4:00PM. 9th graders don't forget to get on the bus to get to parker for 6th hour. There will not be school provided transportation after marching band practice. Most people either carpool with parents or drive themselves. Please let me know in class if you have problems.
#3. If you heard rumors about us practicing in the parking lot, those rumors are mostly true(Don't worry! It works great and many many bands do this, including U of M!). However, they have not gotten around to painting the lines for us, so we are trying to find an alternative rehearsal spot that does not have conflicts. This will be an up to the minute thing so please CHECK THIS BLOG frequently!
#4. The Monday rehearsal time will be set very soon, as soon as I can get an administrator to give his/her blessing.
#5. The Auditorium at Old Howell High School will not be ready for the fall, so this has a large effect on our calendar. we hope to have the SOLID calendar up and out to you by the end of this week. One thing is for certain, the musical will not be in the fall, it will be in the early spring. I think that our first concert ensemble ("sit-down band") performance will stay at the same time and date, but be performed at Parker HS (This coming Oct. 30th 7:00pm)
#6. The next performance for the Marching Band is an optional one. It is the away game at Milford HS, this Friday, Sept. 7th. For those who have not gone to an away game, they are a lot of fun, it is a more relaxed atmosphere and the kids earn points toward their Varsity letter in band. The game is usually free for the kids but they have to find their own way to the game. More information on this by tomorrow.
#7. The next MANDATORY performance of the Marching Band is next Friday Sept 14th, Vs. Novi. Report times and such will be forthcoming.
#8. WE HAVE LOCKABLE LOCKERS THIS YEAR! However I am not sure if we are going to be provided locks... more info on that very soon.
OK... That is it for now. If you have any questions, please email me at or The phones have been a little nutty at Parker and I cannot guarantee that you will get through.
P.s. Thank you for all of the kind words and support regarding my crazy week(almost dead dog, really dead deer, no power, etc)! It humbled me, becuase I know that many of you are in a bigger jam than me ALL THE TIME. Times are a little tough in Michigan and in Livingston Schools, and I want you to know that your stories of overcoming things inspires me to do my very best for you all (Or your kids, depending on who is reading this!). That's a promise! Hang in there! It will be alright in the end!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Thanks to all parents who donated the huge selection of donuts, ice, water and cider and also to the Looney Baker who donated 8 doz. for the tailgate at the first football game. Next tailgate will be sub sandwiches so far. Look for blog as that gets closer.
Practices for Marching band will be after school for an hour or so. (let me confirm the days before I commit). Freshman, you are there with Mr. Smigell sixth hour so stay if you are in Marching Band.
Any seamstresses with some time during the day (or if you can take some home at your leisure?) to help with uniforms? Contact Bert Schomberger @ 517.304.3521 or Julie Dennis @ 517.546.0996.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Right now we have about 6 doz. donated by the Looney Baker especially for us. Thank you!! Not enough to go around though. I think there are 120 students in marching band. We would of course like the kids to have a snack but would like to offer some to parents too. If any of these three items are of interest to bring call and leave me a message.
See you tomorrow!
Julie Dennis
517.546.0996 or
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Check in is 4:30 (at Parker of course:)
Practice from 4:30 til 5:30
Cider and donuts and relax from 5:30 -?
Ready and focused by 6:30 then march on.....
Kick off by 7:00 and then the half time show(yeah!)
Uniform is the same as the parade: Band camp shirt, khaki shorts, black socks and solid black shoes. If you didn't receive your Tshirt yet we will have them for you in the band room. If you didn't go to band camp and still owe for the Tshirt, please pay on Friday. Ask for Bert Schomberger(Gary's Mom :)
Donations of cider and donuts appreciated.
Julie Dennis
517.546.0996 call me for questions or donations
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Please make sure you scroll down to review Mr. Smigell's message first(Wow! we are glad you are okay! let us know if you need any help with things!)
Then on a different note, take notice of my Friday message where donations of water, cider and donuts are requested for Friday's game. Call me ASAP. We do have a few water donations and could use cider and donuts!
Updates for Fridays game will be forthcoming.
Julie Dennis
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hello everybody!
I am sending out this email because I have had a crazy week and several things have been going on...
-I hit a deer and it trashed my car... (car can be repaired, but it has taken up a decen t amount of time getting it arranged and everything else)
-I almost poisoned my dog... (He chewed on an albutirol inhaler and almost died), he is ok now, but we had to take care of him for a couple of days.
-I have not had power on and off for the last 2.5 days... so I have not been able to check email that recently.
-On top of that, a power surge during one of the storms killed my phone while it was in the charger. As you know, my house seems to be particularly suceptible to power outages, lightning and surges. I have finally learned my lesson and am buying a genorator tomorrow. I am also getting a lightning rod installed and a better groundwire put on both buildings on my property.
-The only reason I am telling you this is because I wanted you to know why I have not really been responding too much to emails and why my voicemail box is currently full. I will be back online soon and will let you know what my new cell number is.
The crazy thing is instead of making me feel bad about everything.... I really feel quite thankful that me, my wife, and my dogs are all intact, healthy, and ok... I am glad to be alive and working with you!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Practice for week of August 27:(as announced at practice)
Donations of water are needed for the upcoming football game on Friday, 8/31. Contact me directly if you would like to donate, so I can expect it. I need approximately 250 bottles of water. The smaller rather than the large bottle has worked better in the past so less is wasted. Most appreciated by the bandos!
The band boosters are going to start out the season with serving cider and donuts before the game, so your student should eat dinner before arriving since they are probably coming straight from home or work. Donations of cider and donuts won't be turned away either in fact we pride ourselves on the generosity of band parents for our past tailgates. Details on the exact location outside Parker will be posted next week so you will know the convenience of parking, etc. We would assume the door closest to the band room?
Please check this site for details on this and from Mr. Smigell for clothing, check in time and step off! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Call Julie Dennis 517.546.0996 home for donations or questions, email me if more convenient
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
As said before, please check this the night before each practice to take note of any changes to practices. We do our best to keep you informed :)
Julie Dennis 517.303.4850 cell
Saturday, August 18, 2007
There is practice, Wednesday, 8/22 and Thursday, 8/23(thanks Kimmypoo!) 7:30-9:30 at HHS field. Bring water bottle.
Please continue to check this as following week may change.
Any questions? Call Julie Dennis 517.546.0996 before 9 p.m. please :)
Great job at the parade bandos! The crowd was lovin it....kind of like a lovefest :)
amended by Julie Dennis(Ben's Mom)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Marching Band Practice is Tuesday the 14th, Wednesday the 15th, and Thursday the 16th, from 7:30-9:30 AM at the Howell High School Stadium. Bring a water bottle and a practice/wire stand if you have one.
The Melon Fest Parade is Saturday the 18th. We will probably meet at the Howell City Police Department parking lot like we did last year, the time however has yet to be determined. You will get your t-shirt there but wear khaki shorts, black socks and black shoes.
Ta-Ta for now!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
As of right now - look for us near the flagpole on Monday morning - but if we're not on that side, look around! Construction has moved us once already this week.
Please be sure to have a parent check in with you if there is ANY possibility
you need to have paperwork filled out or a balance paid. This includes all three forms - available on this site under FAQs/Docs. NO ONE gets on a bus until they check in , please !
CHAPERONS - You will need the two ALC forms available on this site (FAQs/Docs) AND you will have two more to fill out Monday morning. Sorry we couldn't get these to you before, but the school was having a hard time getting them to us. COME EARLY enough to fill out the forms.
Remember extra bug spray & sunscreen so Mr. Smigell doesn't have to !
Thursday, August 02, 2007
What to Bring
Bedding - pillow, sleeping bag/blanket, sheets
Bug Spray
Flip Folder
Water Bottle with name on it
Extra instrument parts - reeds, neck straps, sticks, oil, etc.
Bathing Suit
Clothing for all weather
2 Pairs of shoes that can get dirty
Extra socks
Each cabin may have 2 fans
*Athletic shoes only - NO SANDALS WHEN MARCHING!*
What NOT to bring
Weapons/Knives of any kind
Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs or anything else forbidden in the school Code of Conduct
Television, full blown video game systems or stereo systems
Large coolers
Extra food (it attracts beasties and bugs!)
Expensive electronic items that scream "Steal Me!"
Hairdryers the size of Volkswagens
Your own bed
Anything else that you can do without for 5 days and 4 nights
Good Luck,
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Here is all of the information that you need to know, well almost
Squad Leader Day
Required for all Drum Majors and Squad Leaders
Date: Thursday August 2, 2007
Time: 9am to 3pm
Location: HHS Mesa
Bring your own lunch!!!! The Boosters will not feed you this time.
*More details coming soon*
Newbie Day
Optional for new marching bandos, but HIGHLY SUGGESTED
Required for Drum Majors and Squad Leaders
Date: Friday August 3 2007
Time: 9am to 3pm
Location: HHS Mesa (On the lawn, right outside the band room on the east side of the school)
Bring your own lunch!!! New kids, the Boosters still won't feed you.
Band Camp!
Date: Monday August 6 2007
Time: 7am
Location: HHS Flagpole
Date: Friday August 10 2007
Time: Around 4:30pm
Location: HHS
*Packing list and full itinerary forthcoming*
So there ya go, almost everything you need to know relating to Squad Leader Day, Newbie Day, and Band Camp
Yours in Awesomeness,
Saturday, July 28, 2007
There IS still time to get into camp - but not much ! If you have NOT already sent in all three forms we need and your total balance of $230.00 but DO plan to go to camp, Please call me ASAP - I have heard through the vine of a few people that are "coming" but haven't turned in anything so far. It's our goal to NOT have to wait in line an hour to check in before you leave, so we want all paperwork completed before Aug 6th!
All forms and checks you are mailing have to be mailed to : P.O. Box 2113 Howell, 48844 NOT the school.
Thanks - Happy Marching
Bert Schomberger 546 1993
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Drum Majors,
Mike Brown
Brittany Green
Michelle Garrett
Ashley McQuillen
Autumn Reynolds
Lona Czerwinski
Kat Jak
Andrea Fosshage
Jess Kobylarz
Holly Williams
Mike Block
Tiffany Dancer
Josh Fenn
Eric Stants
Dalton Matznick
Check for more information frequently and tell all your friends!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hello everyone!!! Hopefully people are still checking this site! We have officially begun the final preparations for band camp, the marching season, and the school year in general. Here is what we know:
If you have not signed up or paid for band camp yet, YOU STILL CAN!!! Please send $230.00 to PO Box 2113 Howell MI 48844 Payable to Howell High School Band, and forms can be found at
The squad leader list will be posted by tomorrow, the times and itineraries for Newbie Day and Squad Leader day will be posted by Wednesday. Information regarding the meeting place for departure to band camp will be be posted by this Friday.
IMPORTANT POINT: I cannot get email from my school account. If you are trying to email me please use:
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Balloonfest starts on Friday June 22 and ends on Sunday June 24. We still need lots of volunteers!!!!! All three days have opening slots that need to be filled in. If you are interested please call Pam Glynn at 517-861-1675 or Danna Glynn at 517-376-2360. We would really appreciate your help. All profits go to the band boosters. So even if you are not coming to help out, at least come by and purchase something from us to support the Howell bands.
ACTIVITIES: YES!! There are different kinds of activities going on at the Balloonfest; such as on Friday night at 9 p.m. they are showing “Happy Feet” on a big inflatable screen. Come by and purchase something to help us out. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be a group of us at our concession stand at 6a.m. to watch the morning fly-ins. Come and join us!!
If you have questions, or if you would like to help out please call Pam or Danna Glynn.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Margaret Bigham
548.2324 or
Monday, May 21, 2007
Margaret Bigham
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
For Seniors, if you would like a copy of the DVD shown at last night's concert, sign up for one in the band room (courtesy of Rick and Vonnie Bigham).
Parent Meeting - June 5, Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the band room - Please try to come - especially 8th Grade parents. Lots of important information to be shared, including band camp, move to Parker, schedules, etc.
Marching Band Practices for Memorial Day Parade will be next week, May 22, 23 & 24, after school from 2:30 - 3:30.
Picnic on May 28 - Have your kids sign up in the band room.
Banquet on May 30 - Please turn in your reservations as soon as possible.
Margaret 548.2324
Sunday, May 13, 2007
May 15 Spring Concert, 7:00 p.m. in auditorium - The last concert of the year, so don't miss it! If possible, we are asking families to bring in 1 doz. cookies for our reception table, for you to munch on before and after the concert. In addition to the always great music, there will be a DVD presentation of the year's highlights! Thank you Vonnie and Rick Bigham for working so hard on this.
May 19 Opera House Grand Re-Opening - We have some HHS band groups who volunteered to help out the opera house with entertainment on their big opening weekend. Come out and support them; they will be playing from 2 pm - to approx. 5 pm. We have room for more ensembles. You can promote your group with business flyers and/or cards. If you are interested, please contact me ASAP. There is also an open mike night from 6 pm - 9 pm for you to share a talent that is family-friendly and suitable for all ages with a moderate volume level. You can sign up for that at the opera house on Saturday.
May 28 - Memorial Day Parade and Picnic - More details to come on practice days and times, and parade report time. The picnic is after the parade at Howell City Park. We have rented the pavilion and Boosters are providing hot dogs/buns and condiments. This is what we need from you:
If your last name begins with A-H - please bring paper plates or forks/spoons or napkins.
Names beginning with I-Z, please bring a dish to pass like fruit, veggie trays, pasta salads, coleslaw, and provide your own serving utensils. Every family brings their own beverages. You will have to pay $2 per car to enter the park.
Hope to see everyone there!!!! And don't forget to bring frisbees, ball/gloves, squirt guns, etc. We will have a sign-up sheet in the band room so we can estimate the number of hot dogs to buy.
May 30 - Band Awards Banquet You should have received a flyer at home regarding this. If not, contact me. Come out and see the award presentation and enjoy a night of fun, food, laughs and possibly a few tears.
June 22-24 Balloonfest - Boosters are manning a concession trailer to raise funds. A great way to help out your band, and get to see the balloons up close. Come to the booster meeting on June 5 to find out more.
Band Camp will be August 6-10; with August 2 and 3rd being pre-band camp days. Check the blog to find out more later.
That's about it. We have a new board elected for next year; Congratulations to them! And a thank you from the bottom of my heart to the wonderful people I have worked with this year; especially Julie Dennis, Bert Schomberger, Debbie Hayes, Rick Kobylarz, Becky Chappel, and Jason Smigell.
Margaret Bigham
Friday, April 27, 2007
We also need parent volunteers to staff our balloonfest concession trailer that weekend. Pam Glynn is the chairperson and will be setting up a schedule soon!
CruzNExpress is willing to let us hold a car wash at their location. This could be a great fundraiser for your student also. We are still waiting for a parent to step up and organize the car wash.
Margaret Bigham or 548.2324
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Margaret Bigham
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Margaret Bigham
Thursday, March 08, 2007
There is a flex scheduling/Parker High School presentation, Tues. March 13th, in the auditorium of the high school. Times to attend are 5-6 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. If you have not attended any of these or have questions that will affect your child academically or musically, try to attend. If you are unable to attend, Mr. Smith can be reached directly at and will address your questions or concerns within a reasonable time. FYI...The junior class is meeting with counselors the week of March 19-23 to consider their classes for next year and will be sent home with a copy of their classes for approval of the parents. They are hoping to achieve the master schedule before they leave school in June. Check with your child's counselors to get more information.
Immediately afterward, come to the band booster meeting which starts at 7:00 in the band or choir room. There are some great things coming up between now and the end of the year, to help raise money for needed items for the instruments, etc. off Mr. Smigell's wish list. Coming up April 3rd is HOWELLPALOOZA! There will also be some OTHER fundraisers to help for the upcoming band camp expenses and even to start planning on next year's trip!
Also the band room is moving immediately after school is out and Mr. Smigell has asked for our help! Hope to see you there!
Julie Dennis
517.303.4850 cell
Sunday, March 04, 2007
It was a big weekend for Howell High School Bands!! Everybody did very very well at festival. Here is the breakdown:
Concert band:
Concert scores 2, 2, 3 Sightreading score 3 OVERALL RATING: 2 (red medal)
Symphonic Band:
Concert scores 2,2,2 Sightreading score 2 OVERALL RATING 2 (red medal)
Wind Ensemble:
Concert scores 1,1,2 Sightreading score 1 OVERALL RATING 1 (blue medal)
We have never had all three groups earn a medal before. I am so proud of everybody!! GRRRREEEEAAT JOB!!!
Special thanks goes out to:
Jack Palmer
Brian Roskamp
Gary Schomberger
Matt Ogg
Kat Jakczrewski
Jess Kobylarz
Brianne Noel
Kim Hagadorn
Michelle Garrett
Laura Cuthbertson
Jason Simmerman
Mrs. Bigham
Mrs. Dennis
Mrs. Chappel
Mrs. Stone
Mr. Garrett
Mrs. Denzel-Jacobsen
Mr. Kobylarz
Mr. Doefer (especially for waiting 4 hours with me to get the truck fixed!)
My Wife for being patient
Mrs. Hordos
Custodial Staff
Lots of stuff going on, but a big one is that TUESDAY MARCH 6th is the day that pizza kits are being delivered... right after school!!! please pass this on!!!!
see you tomorrow!!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
We are having a planning/brainstorming meeting on Monday, March 5, at 4:30 p.m. in the band room. We welcome your ideas to make this event successful and get a sellout crowd. At this concert, we charge admission to raise money for the band program. Students are welcome to attend the meeting.
If you can’t make the meeting, but would like to pass on any ideas, please send them to me by email, or phone at 548-2324. We could really use your help!
Margaret Bigham
Here is the information you have been waiting for!!
Festival information!
Chaperones who want to come with me on any of these trips please email me one more time at for final confirmation.
Wind Ensemble: Performance date is Friday March 2nd, 2007
Uniform:Standard. Gentlemen: band tux. Ladies: band skirt and formal shirt w/ bowtie
Large instruments and percussion load the truck at 2:30pm
Depart for Groves High School:6:15PM
Arrive: 7:45 pm
Perform: 8:45 pm
Stage crew: Gary Schomberger and friends
Depart for home: around 10PM
Arrive Howell High School: around 11pm
Concert Band: Performance date is Saturday March 3rd, 2007
-Uniform: Standard. Everyone wears the white formal shirt and bowtie with black on the bottom and black shoes
-Percussionists and large instrument personnel secure what is going to Groves in the truck at 2:30pm on Friday, march 2nd
Students should eat breakfast beforehand and bring a few dollars for the concession stand. They can also bring a lunch if they don't want to bring money.
Depart for Groves High School: 9:45 Am
Arrive: 11:00AM
Perform 12:00 AM
Stage crew:TBA
Chaperones: TBA
Depart for home: 1:10 PM
Arrive HHS: 2:20 PM
Symphonic Band: Performance date is Saturday March 3rd, 2007
-Uniform: Standard. Everyone wears the white formal shirt and bowtie with black on the bottom and black shoes
-Percussionists and large instrument personnel secure what is going to Groves in the truck at 2:30pm on Friday, march 2nd
Students should eat lunch before they come to the school. There will be a concession stand there, but it will be on a catch as can basis.
Report time: 11:15 am
Depart for Groves 11:45am
Arrive: 1:00PM
Perform: 2:00 PM
Stage Crew: Gary Schomberger and friends
Chaperones: TBA
Load and depart: 3:45 PM
Arrive at home 5:00pm
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Margaret Bigham
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hello everyone. Becuase of the impending winter storm, and because I have to make the decision right now (in time for the bus drivers), we are canceling the trip to Port Huron today. I do this with a heavy heart, since it is a good clinic. However, the potential for delays and, more importantly, the consideration of safety is my first priority. Hopefully this is soon enough for everyone to change their plans. EVERYTHING ELSE FOR RIGHT NOW IS STILL ON......
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome back to the band bliggity blog!!! We are chugging along in our preparation for festival (despite all the snow days) and I thought I would fill you in on all the information I know so far about everything:
I just registered 17 events for State Solo and Ensemble!!! I think that this might be a record!! Hooray. Congratulations to those going on:
Scott "No longer the Loser" (yes, I changed it for you) Archer
Sam Ryan
Rayna Glynn
Vonnie Bigham
Kim Chappel
Libby Hobson
Nora Kandler
Michelle Garrett
Autumn Reynolds
Kat Jakrzewski
Jessica Kobylarz
Andrea Fosshage
Jeremy Ellens
Holly Williams
Mike Block
Paul Clifton
Josh Fenn
Eric Stants
Brittany Green
Schedules will be printed and distributed soon, I have requested WALLED LAKE NORTHERN HIGH SCHOOL as our preffered site. All State S/E events will occur on march 24, 2007
All of these people need to PAY ME for the events that they have entered:
$12.50 for a Duet
$14.00 for a trio
$16.00 for a Proficiency Solo
$12.00 for a ninth grade solo
Wind Ensemble is going on a field trip to Port Huron this coming tuesday, feb 13 2007. They are attending the annual Port Huron Music Center band clinic to help us get ready for festival. They will leave before school ends, and will perform at 4:30 in Port Huron... I need 2 chaperones for this trip if anyone is interested. Street clothes is perfectly fine for the students for this one. We will be returning around 8:30pm or so....
Our own annual Pre festival clinic/concert is this thursday, Feb 15, 2007 at 7:00 PM. Report time for everybody is 6:30. Dress is the same as the first concert of the year. "Something nice". This means NO jeans, tshirts, sweatshirts, shorts, tennis shoes, jogging pants, etc. School appropriate skirts, dresses, blouses, slacks, shirt and tie, sweater, and nice shoes ARE appropriate. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Cliff Chapman coming to work with us. Thank you very much to the Band boosters for supporting us and sponsoring this concert!!!
Festival for the Wind Ensemble is MARCH 2nd 2007 in the late-ish evening in Birmingham.
Festival for the Concert and Symphonic bands will be in either the late morning or the early afternoon on Saturday, MARCH 3rd in Birmingham.
We need 3 chaperones for each of the bands... If you are interested, please email me at
Yes, Birmingham is a long way away (approx 50 minutes by bus). Originally, this was a mistake I made, but after looking at the lineups (the bands that go before and after us) I like it much better. I honestly feel that this is a blessing in disguise. We have been going to the same place now for 3 years getting judged by the same 3 or 4 judges with the same results. Well, this year, things are different, and I would rather have different judges and a different venue.
Howellpalooza is April 3rd!!! We are going to have a fantastic lineup!!! We really need a lot of people to come out to this one because we need to pay for some of the acts that we are putting on. Admission will be $4.00 adults, $3.00 children and students, and seniors. If you have an interesting talent (could even be non music related), we would love to see what it is!! maybe you could be a star!!
Yes, there is Jazz band tomorrow from 2:45 to 4:15PM. We will be putting on a big shebang later in the spring.... more info to come!
OK... that is all I can think of for right now...