Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tag Day Thanks...
to all of the parents who drove,fetched, fed and CLEANED on Saturday. With their help we delivered a small army of bandos to downtown Howell who raised just over $1800.00 for their student accounts! The Boosters voted at the last meeting to pay all expenses for this Tag Day out of our own money, and to not take the usual split of the proceeds from the day, so ALL of the money raised will go to the students. As of right now I figure it will come out to about $25 per shift worked...I'm not going to get to the exact number 'till next week, sorry! We'll keep you posted... I was proud of the way you all worked together, and have heard from several businesses that were genuinely happy to have you at their doors! There ARE great things happening in Howell schools, you are proof.

Bert S.