Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fundraisers & Festival Medal Order Form & Reminders

Quick reminder that the band/choir concert "Collage" is tomorrow, April 17th at 7 p.m. in the Rod Bushey Performing Arts Center.  This is a fabulous concert with choir, wind ensemble, 5:30 jazz band, perc ensemble and soloists/groups that medaled at State Solo & Ensemble.  Hope you can join us!

Jose Madrid Salsa fundraiser just started - orders and payment are due on Wednesday, May 1st.  This is a great fundraiser for student's fundraising accounts - they earn at least $2.50 per jar sold! And the Salsa is fantastic!

Salsa Fundraiser Order Form

Aubree's Dine to Donate - Wednesday, April 24th.  15% of your bill goes to Howell HS Band program when you present the flyer below:

Aubree's Dine to Donate

Congratulations to all the bands on a great performance in March at MSBOA Festival!  All of the bands earned a medal and students may purchase one if they'd like for their varsity jacket (they have a pin clasp on the back to attach to the jacket) or other keepsake.  Order forms and payment due by Wednesday, May 1st:

Festival Medal Order Form

Color Guard Information Meeting - Monday, April 22nd at 7 p.m. in the band room
*More detailed info can be found on the April 11th blog post

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Band Calendar

As we approach the final months of this school year, there are a lot of exciting and fun things happening with Howell HS Bands! Below is a calendar of events for the rest of the school year.  We will share more detailed information as needed but this gives families dates and times to help with planning. Click here for a link to the google drive file for a pdf version of the calendar.

15 & 18           Drum Major Clinic (after school in the band room)
16                    Collage Concert Rehearsal: 2:45 to 5 p.m.  Groups performing: wind ensemble,
                        5:30 jazz band, perc ensemble and soloists/groups that medaled at State solo & 
                        ensemble.  Students have been informed already if they are performing. 
17                    Collage Concert at 7 p.m. in the Rod Bushey Performing Arts Center
19                    No School
22                    Color Guard Information Meeting at 7 p.m. in the band room
24                    Marching Band Camp paperwork and minimum $50 deposit due
24                    Aubree’s fundraiser – Show the flyer when you dine in or carry out and a percentage of your bill goes to band. Flyers available in band room.
30                    Drum Major Auditions

1                      Jose Madrid Salsa Fundraiser orders & money due (order forms available in band room)
3                      Half day of school – early dismissal
7                      Color Guard Clinic 6 to 8 p.m. in the band room
7                      Photos due for banquet slide show (seniors and any other band photos).  Send to Mikayla Norton at Mn24903@howellschools.com  Point sheets are also due!
10                    Band Lock-in:  9 p.m. to 5 a.m. in the field house
14                    Band Banquet at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria         
15                    Color Guard Auditions: 6 to 8 p.m. in the band room
20, 21 & 23     Memorial Day Parade Rehearsal 2:30 to 3:30 or 4 p.m.  Must attend at least 2 of the 3 rehearsals.
20 & 23           Marching band uniform fittings after parade rehearsal.  We will have sign up sheets in the band room so students can sign up for a specific time slot.  Christyne MacDermaid will need help with this and you can contact her at christynemacdermaid @gmail.com to volunteer.
21                    Spring Concert (all bands) at 7 p.m. in the Rod Bushey Performing Arts Center
22                    Senior’s last day of school
                         Band Booster Meeting with elections at 6:30 p.m. in the band room
27                    Memorial Day Parade & Picnic
29                    Final Marching Band Camp payment and all paperwork due!

1                      Graduation at 5 p.m. at the Breslin Center at MSU
6                      Last day of school!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Color Guard Info & Tryouts

Hi fellow bandos! My name is Ashley Quick-Drossart and if you don't know me, I'm the head coach for the HHS Color Guard team. I just wanted to share that I am holding a clinic & tryouts within the next few weeks for the 2019-2020 Marching Band season and it is open to anyone who is interested in joining the team! You don't need any prior experience or anything. All of the information is on the flyer attached but I just wanted to highlight that I'm holding an information meeting about Color Guard (what we are about, what exactly we do, a rough team practice schedule, etc.) on Monday, April 22nd at 7 pm. I highly recommend coming if your child is interested in joining! You'll also be able to meet me and ask any questions you may have prior to clinics & tryouts. Please feel free to share with anyone you think may be interested as well 😊 Thank you so much and hope to see some new faces! 😊

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Home Show Help Needed!

A message from Katie LaCommare:

Help!  We still need adult volunteers to help with the home show this weekend!  If we could get 1 adult per time slot that would be great.  But, any help would be appreciated. There are two ways to sign-up. 

(1) If your student is volunteering and you can help too, have them sign you up
during their time slot.
(2) If you can help at another time (anytime) -
doesn't have to fit into a time slot - please text me and I will sign you up. (248-756-3985). 

The home show is open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Friday; 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday.

Thanks.  Katie LaCommare

Monday, April 01, 2019

Important April Info!

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!  We're back to school with auditions for next year's band placements starting on Tuesday (April 2nd).  We have a lot of great things happening with Howell bands for the rest of the school year.  Here are a few reminders:


Applications are available in the band room and in the March 6th blog post below.  Late applications will not be accepted.  Scholarships are awarded based on financial need.  

A minimum $50 deposit is due by April 24th to sign up for marching band and band camp (August 11th to 15th).  All band camp forms can be found in the band room and March 6th blog post.


The Livingston County Home Show is this weekend (April 5th - 7th).  We need volunteers to help at the concessions stand to raise money for students and the band boosters.  There are two ways you can help.  (1) Students can sign-up for a shift. (We need 3 students per shift.)   Students can either earn money for the Charms account or get credit for community service for National Honor Society if that is what they need.  (2) We also need parents to supervise.  (1 parent per shift.)
The sign-up sheets are in the band room.
Feel free to call or text Katie LaCommare - 248-756-3985 if you have any questions.   


All are welcome!  Also looking for persons interested in serving on the band booster board of directors.  Elections held at the May band booster meeting.  Questions?  Contact our Band Booster Prez, Dean Norton, at howellbandboosters@gmail.com


Unfortunately, due to the large number of snow days and an inability to reschedule, Livingston County Honors Band will not be occuring this year.  Congratulations to the students that were selected.  We are sorry that this talented group wasn't able to perform this year. 


Applebees fundraiser - April 9th (dine in or car side to go - present flyer and 20% goes to band)
Guys and Dolls - April 12th to 14th
Collage Concert - April 17th at 7 p.m.
Band Lock-in - May 10th/11th (more details to come)

Questions?  Feel free to contact me at allegoel@howellschools.com  Thanks!  - Laura Allegoet