Hello Everybody!
I can't tell you how pleased I was with every single aspect of the game, because there isn't a word for GALACTICALLY PLEASED! The parents who helped before, during, and after the game made the impossible possible. The KIDS... HOLY SMOKES! Now, nobody get a big head (We have a LONG way to go!), but that was the best first performance I have seen out of this marching band. If we continue to work hard and practice well, I know we will be able to achieve our goals (and play a really SWEET show!). Thanks to every single person involved!
OK... this is the kind of year that will keep us busy (and surprised) from the first day until the very last one in June. I want you all to know that in addition to trying new and wonderful things and making all kinds of music with the kids, one of my big personal goals is to keep the students and parents better informed. Having said that, I have only little bits of information for you because a lot of things are still changing minute to minute. Parker is a cool building, but it is a new building, and it will take at least a few weeks before things settle down. Here is the best that I can offer for you right now:
#1. Rehearsals at this point will begin at 3:00PM and end at 4:00 except on Fridays and Mondays. Monday rehearsal will be in the evening and friday will either have a home game or a pep game, so there usually is just a report time. Friday will be slightly different each week.
#2. There IS rehearsal tomorrow at 3:00 PM in the Parker Band Room. We will not be marching but BRING YOUR INSTRUMENT!! It will go unil 4:00PM. 9th graders don't forget to get on the bus to get to parker for 6th hour. There will not be school provided transportation after marching band practice. Most people either carpool with parents or drive themselves. Please let me know in class if you have problems.
#3. If you heard rumors about us practicing in the parking lot, those rumors are mostly true(Don't worry! It works great and many many bands do this, including U of M!). However, they have not gotten around to painting the lines for us, so we are trying to find an alternative rehearsal spot that does not have conflicts. This will be an up to the minute thing so please CHECK THIS BLOG frequently!
#4. The Monday rehearsal time will be set very soon, as soon as I can get an administrator to give his/her blessing.
#5. The Auditorium at Old Howell High School will not be ready for the fall, so this has a large effect on our calendar. we hope to have the SOLID calendar up and out to you by the end of this week. One thing is for certain, the musical will not be in the fall, it will be in the early spring. I think that our first concert ensemble ("sit-down band") performance will stay at the same time and date, but be performed at Parker HS (This coming Oct. 30th 7:00pm)
#6. The next performance for the Marching Band is an optional one. It is the away game at Milford HS, this Friday, Sept. 7th. For those who have not gone to an away game, they are a lot of fun, it is a more relaxed atmosphere and the kids earn points toward their Varsity letter in band. The game is usually free for the kids but they have to find their own way to the game. More information on this by tomorrow.
#7. The next MANDATORY performance of the Marching Band is next Friday Sept 14th, Vs. Novi. Report times and such will be forthcoming.
#8. WE HAVE LOCKABLE LOCKERS THIS YEAR! However I am not sure if we are going to be provided locks... more info on that very soon.
OK... That is it for now. If you have any questions, please email me at smigellj@howellschools.com or jsmigell@mac.com. The phones have been a little nutty at Parker and I cannot guarantee that you will get through.
P.s. Thank you for all of the kind words and support regarding my crazy week(almost dead dog, really dead deer, no power, etc)! It humbled me, becuase I know that many of you are in a bigger jam than me ALL THE TIME. Times are a little tough in Michigan and in Livingston Schools, and I want you to know that your stories of overcoming things inspires me to do my very best for you all (Or your kids, depending on who is reading this!). That's a promise! Hang in there! It will be alright in the end!