Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The plans for Friday as follows:

Check in is 4:30 (at Parker of course:)
Practice from 4:30 til 5:30
Cider and donuts and relax from 5:30 -?
Ready and focused by 6:30 then march on.....
Kick off by 7:00 and then the half time show(yeah!)

Uniform is the same as the parade: Band camp shirt, khaki shorts, black socks and solid black shoes. If you didn't receive your Tshirt yet we will have them for you in the band room. If you didn't go to band camp and still owe for the Tshirt, please pay on Friday. Ask for Bert Schomberger(Gary's Mom :)

Donations of cider and donuts appreciated.

Julie Dennis
517.546.0996 call me for questions or donations