Friday, March 20, 2020

Smartmusic update, a resource for learning to read music, and other cool places on the internet.

Hello Everyone!

COVID-19 (There's a word I can't wait to stop using) is already here :( but something else is coming...

Something wonderful..

SMARTMUSIC is coming!!!!

Before I tell you about Smartmusic, scroll toward the end if you are one of the kids who has TROUBLE READING MUSIC* (or want to become theory wizards)

Smartmusic is piece of software (but can also be browser-based for Chromebooks) that has HUNDREDS of PIECES OF MUSIC for EVERY INSTRUMENT type for you to play along with.  You can also record yourself AND IT CAN GRADE YOUR PERFORMANCE for right notes and rhythms.  So here are some of the things I see us doing:

-You (the kids, and maybe even musician parents) being able to browse and pick out pieces of music to play for FUN!  I just checked and even with the free version you can play along with the accompaniment.  You can also have the computer play your part too if you are not sure how it goes.  If you like you can record it (This might be a way for people who got caught without their enrichment project done can fulfill it! ;)

-I can assign an etude for our audition pieces. If you have a microphone you can record it and send it to me.  The difference is that you can HAVE THE COMPUTER CHECK YOUR WORK, so you will be able to be a whiz!  I still am not sure if this is going to work the way I want it to, but its a start.  This particular thing would not be happening for at least a little while because we can't actually assign graded work just yet, so don't get worried (In this crazy new world, we all have bigger things to worry about than auditions so simmer down all you FELLOW ANXIETY BUNNIES!).

-If this quarantine goes for a long time I can, wait, WE can choose FULL BAND PIECES and PERCUSSION ENSEMBLES to rehearse separately and put together when we all return.  The software allows you to isolate your part, then play your part with the full band accompaniment.  It's a little "Texas" but it's still extremely cool!

The site is simply called, but it looks like I have to invite you. You know by now that I am a bit of technophobe so this will definitely be OUR journey.  Kids, as usual you will be helping me learn this software as we go.  It'll give us something to do!  We shall do it the way bandos do things: TOGETHER.  My application for smartmusic is pending so expect this to go up PROBABLY MONDAY.

*HAVING TROUBLE READING MUSIC?  I know there are kids in our program that really have trouble reading music.  You know who you are.  It's ok! But hey, wouldn't band be a lot more FUN if you weren't so FRUSTRATED keeping up when we are sight reading? Time to make something USEFUL out of the quarantine! this website has been around for a while, and it provides free lessons and exercises for reading music.  For those of you wanting to learn about theory it also has way MORE ADVANCED stuff as well.  If you really want to learn to read music better EMAIL ME and I'll work out a plan for you.  A little each day is the way!

Ok that's about it. I miss you folks so much.  I can feel you all bouncing off the walls wanting to get the heck out of the house.  Just remember you aren't being careful for YOURSELVES, you are being careful for EVERYBODY.  I know you can do it.  Hope is an important part of making it through a crisis like this.  You need to have something to look forward to.  I find that one of things I hang on to is that WE WILL COME TOGETHER AGAIN.  WE WILL MAKE MUSIC AGAIN. Count on it.

Now hurry up and sit there and be safe!

p.s. I check my email once a day, if you need to talk to me, just drop me a line.  If you're one of those kids that likes to "check in" every day, you still can :)  I'm not gone, I'm sitting in my house, just like you!