Thursday, March 19, 2020

DSO STREAMS BEETHOVEN'S 5TH TONIGHT!!!! MUSIC TRIUMPHS!!!!! (and a note about getting into the building)

Hello Bandos,

A unique opportunity (although hopefully one of many) is happening tonight.  Like many musical organizations, the DSO is live streaming a concert tonight!  The difference is, it is BEETHOVEN'S 5TH SYMPHONY!!  one of the most widely known and beloved pieces of music in all of western history.

This will occur TONIGHT AT 8PM on Facebook live (I don't know how to do that since I stopped doing Facebook a long time ago.) and with their proprietary streaming service below:

Believe it or not, it's a rare opportunity to hear it "live" since orchestras don't play it that often (It's kind of like not wanting to sing "Piano Man" if you're Billy Joel).

C'mon, haven't you ever been curious about hearing what comes after "DA DA DA DUMM"?

(It's not like you had that much to do right now anyway ;)

I really like what the DSO said in their promo email for this:

" Music is courageous, healing, unifying, powerful, calming, and important, and it can’t be silenced in times of uncertainty."

Yes, it is all those things...  Not sure why the text got so small... oh well.


I unfortunately have no idea when there will be another opportunity to get in the band room or the building, but there will be one.  I am going to try and get ahold of admin and see about getting an opportunity where we get to let people know in advance.  I apologize about the jerky-jerky manner that this has been happening, but I think we all have to get used to it for at least a while.  I will say this, it doesn't pay to be a space cadet these days.  Kids, if you are normally someone who "misses the boat" on things, time to start checking the dock more often.  This is coming from Colonel Smigell of the space cadet corps himself before you get salty :D

Ok that's it for now.  Stay safe, follow the Governor's orders, practice good pandemic hygiene, and blessings to you all.
