Monday, October 12, 2020

We are going to try and have practice

 Hello everybody,

If it were any other time then the second to last practice before our last set of final and only performances, we would have had everyone stay home. This however is one of our last chances to get any kind of rehearsal in. 

We are going to have everybody come out and see if we can wait out the rain.  I still don’t feel comfortable with rehearsing that many people inside.  Having said that there are a bunch of things that we need to do like pass out music, distribute uniform masks, finish uniform fittings, and at least sing through our new pep tunes.

Parents I know that this is a pain for you all but please be prepared to pick up your children early as we most likely will not be going all the way to 830

I’m sorry I held out this long.  Just trying to make the right call

Sorry for the haggard look of this post I’m doing it from my phone.