Sunday, May 14, 2017

Seniors still need to hand in their pictures

We have a fairly long list of Seniors who have not sent Casie a Baby Pic and Senior Pic for the banquet video. We'd like to give them one more chance to submit photos (Senior baby pics and Senior pics only).  They have until Tonight, Sunday, May 14 at 6 pm to email Casie at or text her the pics at 517-376-8612.  After that, she will be completing the video with what she has received.

Seniors needing to send pics:

Tessa Beard
Kegan Flory
David Golm
Sarah Hoffman
Parker Judd
Katrianna Ray
Nolan Rector-Brooks
Elizabeth Smaza
Nolan Walter
Ben Wood
Andrew York
Jasmine Brause
Audrey Hundt
Lee Owens
Michael Robinson
McKeon Bohanon
Amy Neff

and from Rock Band:  Antonio Colella, Ryan Dymkowski, Kacee Howe, Madeline Lassitter, Kevin Le, Madison Penque, Logan Rhodes, Trent Sheibels, and Lauren Tippie.

Hoping to get some of these pics so we can include as many as possible.  Thank you!

If you could help tag / text anyone on this list that you know to help spread the news - we expanded the date until tonight from Friday since we had a large amount of Seniors that still haven't handed anything in to be included in the video.


Happy Mother's Day everyone to all the Moms out there!

~ Nicole "Jade" Prewett