Thursday, May 04, 2017

Reminders - May the 4th be with you

Band Banquet:

This school year's band banquet is on Wednesday, May 17th at 7pm in the Commons at the HHS. All band members and their families are invited to join us for desserts, fun, awards, pictures, laughs and tears as we congratulate all of the band kids!

Pre-Pay and Reservations due by Wednesday, May 10th - $5 per person.

Band Seniors are free! (Seniors please fill out form to help us have an accurate head count / reserve a seat)
$10 per person at door if seating allows.


Casie LaMay is doing the Band Banquet video. She needs all of the Seniors to send a baby picture and a senior picture to either (Casie LaMay) or (Kristen LaMay). by Friday May 5th to be included in the video. Also anyone else who have pictures they want to be added to the video that were taken throughout the school year - this includes band camp, football games, parades, concerts, in-class, practices, lock-in, etc.  

Color Guard / Auxiliary Try Outs:

The parent info meeting will be Thursday May 11th at 6pm in the band room. If any of these dates conflict with band room activities, we will meet in the band room and find an alternate location.

All Dates 2:30pm - 5pm in the band room

Clinic 2: Thursday, May 4th
Clinic 3: (make-up clinic if you miss a date the first week/ additional help if you want another day to practice) Tuesday May 9th
Tryouts: Wednesday, May 10th
Parent Info Meeting: May 11th @ 6pm

Hair should be pulled back, wear athletic clothes (no jeans), tennis or dance shoes, and bring plenty of water to drink!

Email with any questions or concerns:
Kayla Grant: /
Ashley Quick-Drossart:

There are few students with sport conflicts that really wanted to tryout. Kayla is trying to plan an alternate way to hold tryouts for these individuals but she needs to know prior to tryouts if she need to have an alternate plan for a student. 

Additional considerations: Auxiliary is a summer and fall commitment. (year round if competitive).

Flyer: HERE

Band Camp:

Note that the 2nd deadline to receive a discounted price on band camp is Friday, May 12th. If you pay your balance off in full by May 12th, you can deduct $10 from the amount due.

Example: $50 Deposit made by April pay in full by May 12th would be:

$325 - $50 - $10 = $265

Anyone with a remaining balance is welcome to send in payments anytime between now and June 7th to complete the registration for camp. Please use the "Additional Payment Voucher" form when submitting payments so the payment is properly applied to the students balance. No cash payments, please.

If you have inquiries about your students camp registration, please contact Kristen LaMay either via email at or at 517-304-2614.

Additional Payment Voucher Form: HERE
Original Band Camp Blogpost w/ all forms: HERE

May /June Events:

Mark your calendars! Here are the events that are official atm.

  • HHS Band Banquet is Wednesday, May 17th at 7pm
  • HHS Band Spring Concert is Tuesday, May 23rd at 7pm.
  • Memorial Day Parade / Picnic is Monday, May 29th.

*** A couple things are still being planned out (Memorial Day Parade practice dates and Graduation Commencement for example). When we have the dates and information, we will let you know asap.


~ Nicole "Jade" Prewett