Tuesday, March 22, 2016

NYC Important Info / Form / Reminder

A few things that came to me today to share with everyone!

NYC Meal Option / Shirt Size:

We are missing 39 of the 198 people's forms. If you haven't handed your meal option / shirt size, please do so asap so our tour planner can tell the restaurant and we can order our super awesome shirts. (Thanks everyone who handed in a design - and Thanks Mr. Don Coon for the epic looking shirt design!)

Form: .docx  // .pdf

NYC Chaperone Meeting Reminder:

NYC Trip Chaperone Meeting is Thursday, April 7th at 7pm in the HHS Band Room. It is important for all chaperones to be there. Please contact Christyne MacDermaid at (734) 476 - 0312 or christynemacdermaid@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.

NYC Trip Rehearsals:

Since this is a combination of students from the whole band program, we will be having four afternoon rehearsals to practice together as a group so we can present ourselves as a unit to clinician in NYC. The dates and times are being worked out atm, but Smigell said he will try to give them to me by the end of this week. This is just a heads up!


If you missed last night's HUGE post about everything happening in the HHS Band Program, here is a link to that post. **HERE** 

Thanks all! 

~ Nicole "Jade" Prewett