We need everyone paid in full and forms turned in. There are many that haven't turned in forms. We need chaperones to turn in the trip release forms as well as students. We are very fortunate to have a nurse that volunteers her time to come along on our trips. She needs any and all information on you in case of emergency. Even, if you aren't taking medication, we still need to know who to call in an emergency. If you aren't sure if you turned in forms, or need to know if you still have a balance, please call, text or email Christyne MacDermaid 734-476-0312, christynemacdermaid@gmail.com. I will get back to you ASAP. NY trip forms were included in a Mega NY post around Oct or Nov.
Students should be filling out a meal form for one of the evenings in NY. Please ask them if they've done this. It will also ask for your shirt size too. That's for our Howell Band NY trip tshirt. Please have your student bring a form home if you are chaperoning. You'll need to pick your meal and tshirt size too. These are due FRIDAY!!