Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The end is near - May is coming! - IMPORTANT INFO POST

Hey Everyone!

May is coming! All of our veteran band parents/students know how busy the month of May is - especially if you are a graduating senior. 
Speaking about Seniors....


We still need a copy of Senior baby pictures and Senior pictures from a lot of Seniors....
We also need photos from any band event this school year (this includes all non-Seniors too!)

Please get your photos to Kousa - his email is All photos MUST be received by May 6th in order to be included.

Point Sheets:

Due: Monday, May 4th

Blank copies are located in the sheet shack. Please turn completed ones into the labeled folder on the board by the mailbox. Do NOT hand them directly to Maddie or Mr. Smigell - doing this may result of your forms accidently getting misplaced.

If you have any questions on what counts, how many you have from the past year(s), or anything else - feel free to contact Maddie during the day - or text her at 517-375-5241 or email her at Thanks!

Handing in point sheets late may forfeit your points for the year - Please hand them in on time and to the labeled folder!


We are still in great need of about 10 more chaperones to make this fun yearly event work.  Please contact Christyne MacDermaid 734-476-0312, or if you can chaperone.

Band Camp:

Thanks to everyone who handed their forms and at least the initial payment on time. Marching band is very close to being full. There is a possibility of a wait list and/or having to turn students away who have not turned in their forms AND initial payment (we have about 30 students have only turned in either a) uncompleted/no forms but the initial payment or b) no initial payment but completed forms).
We would hate to turn students away but it is very possible that we might have to this year.

Please get these papers and the initial payment in ASAP.

Band Camp Forms: .docx // .pdf (Pdf seems to be more friendly)

HHS Bands Schedule:


Thurs 30th - Collage Concert @ 7pm in HHS Auditorium (WE JB PE)


Fri 8th - 2nd 15-16 Band Camp Payment Due
Fri 8th - HHS Band Banquet Dinner/Award Ceremony Forms Pre-Paid ($5 per person) Due Forms
Fri 8th / Sat 9th - Lock In! @ 9pm - 5am in HHS Field House
Incoming band Freshman and current band students are welcome. 
It is an awesome night!! Letter // Forms
Weds 13th - HHS Band Banquet Dinner/Award Ceremony @7:30pm
Tues 19th - Spring Band Concert @ 7pm in HHS Auditorium (CB SB WE JB PE)
Mon 25th - Memorial Day Parade (MB) *Details TBA - including practices dates/times.*
Sat 30th - Graduation (SB WE) *Details TBA*

Fri 5th - Final 15-16 Band Camp Payment Due


CB = Concert Band
SB = Symphony Band
WE = Wind Ensemble
PE = Percussion Ensemble
MB = Marching Band
SR = School of Rock
AX = MB auxiliary without the marching band

**Refer to and other blog posts from April for more details on a certain things.

~ Jade