Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lock In, Banquet and Band Camp

Upcoming dates to be aware of:

April 17, 2015 
Band Camp Payments and Forms turned in.  
If you are requesting money to come out of your student account, please use the form found on Charms to do so.  You must request the money in writing for our accounting purposes.  Also, the forms must be turned in!!  Even if you have a scholarship, or no money is owed because you have enough in your student account.  Chaperone paperwork is the same as the band students.  Once I get your entire Chaperone packet, I'll contact you regarding additional background check that the State of MI requires.  

Band Camp Forms: .docx // .pdf (Pdf seems to be more friendly)

May 8-9
Lock In
Drop off for students is 9pm
Pick up for students is 5am.  NO later than 6am.  PARENTS MUST WALK IN AND PICK UP THEIR STUDENTS, YES AT 5AM.  
Chaperones are still needed.  8pm to 1am, or 1am to 6am, or for those brave enough 8pm to 6am.  Kidding, it is a lot of fun for us too.  Contact Christyne MacDermaid 734-476-0312 if you can chaperone.

Lock In Letter: Letter
Lock In Perm Slip (Must be handed in at the door to enter): Perm Slip

May 13, 2015 7:30 pm
We will be having a dessert banquet this year.  The later time should help accommodate those being inducted into the NHS.  
Price is $5 per person, seniors are free.  
If someone could volunteer to do the slide show, that would be awesome.  Please contact Chrityne MacDermaid if you can help w/that.  734-476-0312 or

Banquet Form: Form

I'll get the paperwork to school this week for Lock In and Banquet.  Lock In paperwork should be turned into us at 9pm May 8, NO EARLIER PLEASE.  Banquet paperwork will need to be turned into the band mailbox so we know how many to expect.