Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hello all!

Graduation will take place on Saturday, My 31st 2014.  Here are all the facts you need to know :)

WHO: All non percussion members of Symphonic Band and all members of Wind Ensemble.  This is considered their final exam.  If a student cannot make it, their obligation falls to making up the time during the final exam slot for that class.  Any student not attending graduation in these ensembles needs to clear it with mr. Smigell beforehand.

WHEN: This saturday 5/31/2014.  REPORT TIME FOR BAND MEMBERS IS 2:15 PM AT THE HIGH SCHOOL.  Graduation itself starts at 5pm. They will be bused back and forth.  Snacks and possibly a meal will be provided (for sure the snacks, working on the meal).  Return time will be somewhere in the 8 o clock hour.

WHAT TO WEAR: Wear something nice.  No shorts, jeans, Tshirts, Sweatshirts, or tennis shoes.  Khakis and a polo are fine for anyone involved.  Appropriate summery attire is fine (minus the shorts).  Appropriate sundresses are fine.

WHAT TO BRING: We will be there for a long long time.  Books and homework are not out of the question.  Small electronic devices are fine.  CARDS, LAPTOPS, BOARDGAMES, OR ANYTHING THAT WILL DRAW ATTENTION TO US IN A BAD LIGHT IS NOT OK.  Basically, if it fits on a music stand, is school appropriate, and discreet, its good.  Bringing your own snacks would be good.  We will have water for the kids.

WHY NO SYMPH PERCUSSION OR NINTH GRADERS?  Ninth graders would make the band too enormous (don't worry, you'll get your chance :) and there are very few parts for the percussion to play in the pieces we have programmed.

Any other questions, feel free to email me at

Thanks so much!
