Thursday, September 06, 2012

Game day! (and some non mb announcements)

Hello everyone!

Well, it seems that the weather is going to be interesting tomorrow.  Here is the lowdown:

-everyone needs to bring (or wear) their 2012-13 band shirt and khaki shorts to school along with their black shoes and socks.  We may or may not be wearing the full uniforms tomorrow depending on the conditions.  Pease do not forget!

We will be doing the run through right after school at 2:30pm students will then be released.

We will begin the tailgate (feed the kids) at 4:45 pm.. IT'S TACO TIME!

REPORT TIME IS 5:45PM in the band room.

See you there!

P.s. don't forget the grading rationale form is due from ALL band members (marching band and non mb too) by tomorrow.  It was part of a packet that included a grading rationale and a calendar.

Also, the candle fundraisers are due tomorrow too.