Monday, October 19, 2009

Hi Everyone,
It's that time!! It is our last tailgate. BOO-HOO!! Here's the story. "Buffulo Wild Wings" was such a big hit, we're doing it again. I had the seniors of the marching band take a poll and that's what they wanted. So I am ordering some chicken and to change it up a bit some pulled pork. What I will need is side dishes again. Hot items would be good, since it looks like it will be chilly. We will also have coffee, (for the adults) and hot cider, for the kids. Let me know what you would like to bring. you can even let me know at the concert tomorrow night! As always parents and silblings are invited. This is the senior show, so lets make this the best tailgate ever!! Becky Chappel

P.S. We have a cake coming. But other desserts are also welcomed--cookies, brownies, etc!