Hey Band - Check out the new Band Bulletin Board in the band room. It'll be updated weekly with all the news you need to know. Need a ride to a band event. . . . there'll be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Parents - you can sign-up and let us know if you're available for car pooling.
Pasta fundraiser information is being distributed today. Orders are due in by Monday, October 19th. Return orders and payment to the Band Booster mailbox located just outside the uniform closet in the band room. All the proceeds from this fundraiser will be allocated to individual student accounts. Out-of-town friends & family can order using the code HBB3. we receive 40% from on-line orders and 50% from all other orders. It's a great way to start saving for the band trip next Spring. And don't forget. . .. for every fundraiser students participate in, they earn one entry in
to the band
trip raffle ! ! !
We're also taking pre-orders for the Howell Bear. The bear is 9" tall, has the Highlander logo embroidered on the front and Howell
Highlanders on the back. Cost is $10. $3.50 from each bear
students sell will be credited to their student account. Bears
will be delivered mid-November. Please e-mail Carol Stone
at cstone827@yahoo.com if you're interested in ordering any
bears. Sample bear will be available at the first band concert on
October 20th.