I just checked http://www.weather.com/ and http://www.noaa.gov/. Unfortunately, the chance for precipitation has increased to 100% at time of kickoff through 10pm, with winds from 20-35mph The weather radar supports the computer prediction. Due to constant rain, the state of our instruments, and the current health concerns PEP BAND IS CANCELLED FOR TONIGHT.
Check back later tonight or tomorrow morning for the Hockey Band Posting...
-Hopefully they win and we can try again next week....
This is a message distribution forum for the Howell High School band. If you have any questions, you can email the director, Jason Smigell at smigellj@howellschools.com. The band office phone number is 517 234 6446. Emails sent to the howellschools.com email address are public. All personal, non-business emails should be directed to jsmigell@mac.com
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Bears & Bennigans: Could you please e-mail me (cstone827@yahoo.com) an update on where you're at with orders for the Howell Highlander Bears. . . .we're trying to determine if we need to place a second order. It takes about 4 weeks to get the bears and we'd like to have them all delivered before Christmas.
Also, don't forget our Bennigans fundraiser. . . on Thursday, 10/29, 20% of all sales will go to the bands. You have to present the Bennigans flier (available in the band room) before you order.
Thanks & see you at Bennigans,
Carol Stone
Also, don't forget our Bennigans fundraiser. . . on Thursday, 10/29, 20% of all sales will go to the bands. You have to present the Bennigans flier (available in the band room) before you order.
Thanks & see you at Bennigans,
Carol Stone
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Practice Friday: 2:30-???
Report Time: TBA, Depending on how late practice runs
Tailgate: Please join us for Buffalo Wild Wings and Cake!!! (around 5:00-5:30)
Step Off: 6:20pm (Note Earlier Time)
Senior Parents: You will need to buy tickets at the ticket booth, then proceed to far end of stadium by Band Bleachers and the gate by the Giant Football Helmet.
Please be there by 6:30pm for the Senior Night Presentation.
Welcome to Charms!!!
Dear Band Parents and Students,
The Charms website is up and running! We’ve been talking about it for awhile and it’s finally here.
This means we have a one stop resource and a simple way of communicating band information to all band families! With the Charms website you can:
· Check the interactive calendar for events and vital information
(Always check the Blog for last minute changes!!!)
· Receive emails about events, volunteering and fundraising
· Handouts: Band Camp, Calendar, Point Sheet, etc…
· Check your student account, to find out how much $$$ you have earned for trips, band camp, etc… through your fundraising efforts
· Link to the Band Blog
· Music related applications such as a Metronome, a Tuner, Blank Sheet music, even record your practice music at home!
Access is easy! Go to: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
Enter the school code: HowellHSBand
Enter your student’s HS ID number: 00000000
If you have any access problems or any helpful ideas please let Robin Taylor know at rl.taylor@comcast.net.
Dear Band Parents and Students,
The Charms website is up and running! We’ve been talking about it for awhile and it’s finally here.
This means we have a one stop resource and a simple way of communicating band information to all band families! With the Charms website you can:
· Check the interactive calendar for events and vital information
(Always check the Blog for last minute changes!!!)
· Receive emails about events, volunteering and fundraising
· Handouts: Band Camp, Calendar, Point Sheet, etc…
· Check your student account, to find out how much $$$ you have earned for trips, band camp, etc… through your fundraising efforts
· Link to the Band Blog
· Music related applications such as a Metronome, a Tuner, Blank Sheet music, even record your practice music at home!
Access is easy! Go to: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
Enter the school code: HowellHSBand
Enter your student’s HS ID number: 00000000
If you have any access problems or any helpful ideas please let Robin Taylor know at rl.taylor@comcast.net.
Believe in the Bear - CORRECTION: Ok. .. it always pays to proof read. The correct price of the Howell Highlander Bear is $10 per bear. Also, after much discussion with many band members, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could turn in any orders you have received by Friday, October 30th. Put your order sheets (along with any payments received) in an envelope and deposit them in the Band Booster mailbox in the Band room. Please make sure your name is on the order sheet so you can get credit for the sale.
You can continue taking orders after October 30th but the first round of orders will help us determine if we need to order more bears. The sample bear is now on display in the office at Howell High.
Carol Stone
You can continue taking orders after October 30th but the first round of orders will help us determine if we need to order more bears. The sample bear is now on display in the office at Howell High.
Carol Stone
FUNDRAISER UPDATE: There's still time to turn in your pasta orders. .. .I'll be placing the final order on Friday. If you haven't turned yours in yet. .. please put it in the Band Booster mailbox by Thursday.
Believe in the Bear: You can start taking orders for the Howell Highlander Bears. Cost is 410 per bear. We've placed an initial order for 500 bears. . . .It looks like we'll sell out pretty quickly. It takes 4 weeks to get the bears so in order to get all orders filled by Christmas, it'd be really great if you could get your orders in ASAP so we can re-order if need be. I'll have order forms in the band room this week. We've already sold 70 bears. . . . .
E-mail (cstone827@yahoo.com) or call (517-672-1236) if you have any questions.
Carol Stone
Believe in the Bear: You can start taking orders for the Howell Highlander Bears. Cost is 410 per bear. We've placed an initial order for 500 bears. . . .It looks like we'll sell out pretty quickly. It takes 4 weeks to get the bears so in order to get all orders filled by Christmas, it'd be really great if you could get your orders in ASAP so we can re-order if need be. I'll have order forms in the band room this week. We've already sold 70 bears. . . . .
E-mail (cstone827@yahoo.com) or call (517-672-1236) if you have any questions.
Carol Stone
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hi Everyone,
It's that time!! It is our last tailgate. BOO-HOO!! Here's the story. "Buffulo Wild Wings" was such a big hit, we're doing it again. I had the seniors of the marching band take a poll and that's what they wanted. So I am ordering some chicken and to change it up a bit some pulled pork. What I will need is side dishes again. Hot items would be good, since it looks like it will be chilly. We will also have coffee, (for the adults) and hot cider, for the kids. Let me know what you would like to bring. you can even let me know at the concert tomorrow night! As always parents and silblings are invited. This is the senior show, so lets make this the best tailgate ever!! Becky Chappel
P.S. We have a cake coming. But other desserts are also welcomed--cookies, brownies, etc!
It's that time!! It is our last tailgate. BOO-HOO!! Here's the story. "Buffulo Wild Wings" was such a big hit, we're doing it again. I had the seniors of the marching band take a poll and that's what they wanted. So I am ordering some chicken and to change it up a bit some pulled pork. What I will need is side dishes again. Hot items would be good, since it looks like it will be chilly. We will also have coffee, (for the adults) and hot cider, for the kids. Let me know what you would like to bring. you can even let me know at the concert tomorrow night! As always parents and silblings are invited. This is the senior show, so lets make this the best tailgate ever!! Becky Chappel
P.S. We have a cake coming. But other desserts are also welcomed--cookies, brownies, etc!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hey Folk
Unfortunately, due to lack of potential attendance, PEP BAND IS CANCELLED TONIGHT 10/16/09. This is probably a good time to talk about next week and whats going to happen over the next few weeks:
#1. OUR FIRST CONCERT IS NEXT TUESDAY. Report time for everyone is 6:30pm. This concert is going to be particularly cool since we will have THE MARCHING BAND PERFORMING for an extremely rare indoor performance. We have a plan for a "Grande Entrance". I think everyone is going to enjoy it! Dress for the first part (Non marching band) portion of the concert is "Dress nicely". This means no bluejeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, or tennis shoes. Good choices for gentlemen include School appropriate shirt and tie, sweater, slacks (Corduroy, khaki, etc.). Good choices for ladies incllude school appropriate skirts or slacks, blouses or sweaters, or snazzy school appropriate tops. As is customary, our regular concert uniforms will be passed out/ordered for our holiday concert.
#2. OUR FINAL HOME GAME IS NEXT FRIDAY! It is senior night, and there will be much more information on this from our beloved boosters.
#3. Our football team is really good! Opportunities for pep band engagements will continue as long as they are in the playoffs. This means that there will be pep band at least for October 30. This will be a high priority game (like the Brighton game).
ok... thaats about it!
Have a good Weekend,
Hey Folk
Unfortunately, due to lack of potential attendance, PEP BAND IS CANCELLED TONIGHT 10/16/09. This is probably a good time to talk about next week and whats going to happen over the next few weeks:
#1. OUR FIRST CONCERT IS NEXT TUESDAY. Report time for everyone is 6:30pm. This concert is going to be particularly cool since we will have THE MARCHING BAND PERFORMING for an extremely rare indoor performance. We have a plan for a "Grande Entrance". I think everyone is going to enjoy it! Dress for the first part (Non marching band) portion of the concert is "Dress nicely". This means no bluejeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, or tennis shoes. Good choices for gentlemen include School appropriate shirt and tie, sweater, slacks (Corduroy, khaki, etc.). Good choices for ladies incllude school appropriate skirts or slacks, blouses or sweaters, or snazzy school appropriate tops. As is customary, our regular concert uniforms will be passed out/ordered for our holiday concert.
#2. OUR FINAL HOME GAME IS NEXT FRIDAY! It is senior night, and there will be much more information on this from our beloved boosters.
#3. Our football team is really good! Opportunities for pep band engagements will continue as long as they are in the playoffs. This means that there will be pep band at least for October 30. This will be a high priority game (like the Brighton game).
ok... thaats about it!
Have a good Weekend,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Concert Reminder---
Percussion Ensemble, Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will perform their first concert of the year...with a special performance of the Howell Highlander Marching Band!!!
Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 pm
HHS Auditorium
Dress is as follows: Dress nice! NO JEANS, NO T-SHIRTS, NO SWEATS. Khakis with a dress shirt (and tie, if you wish). For the Ladies, skirts and dresses must be school appropriate!
Marching Band, Please remember black shoes and socks!
Percussion Ensemble, Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will perform their first concert of the year...with a special performance of the Howell Highlander Marching Band!!!
Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 pm
HHS Auditorium
Dress is as follows: Dress nice! NO JEANS, NO T-SHIRTS, NO SWEATS. Khakis with a dress shirt (and tie, if you wish). For the Ladies, skirts and dresses must be school appropriate!
Marching Band, Please remember black shoes and socks!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
I am SO PROUD of our band! Hooray for the Highlanders! I just got back from the football game in Brighton (we won 14-0!). The kids were FANTASTIC. Classy, energetic, and sounding pretty darn good for playing in 40 degrees and rain!! I also saw a lot of stoic parents supporting their kids.. HATS OFF TO EVERYONE!!!
Anyway, I wanted to drop this line to the kids and parents regarding proper care of equipment after a RAINY GIG. Please read this carefully so that there is no damage to instruments and music.
#1. When you get home, everyone should wipe down their instrument with a dry cloth. Make sure no water remains on the outside of the instrument. Leave the instrument out of it's case and the case open AT LEAST overnight and preferably all the next day. Failure to do so can damage the instrument and get mold in the case (brass instruments and drums this means you too!)
#2. Carefully take all sheets of music out of the flip folder and lay them out to dry. Detach the pages of the folder and lay them out to dry as well.
#3. Hang up/lay out your raincoat and let it dry (even though it is waterproof, it can get funky if you wad it up and leave it in your car) AND BRING IT BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY.
Ok.. great job and see you on Monday!
Anyway, I wanted to drop this line to the kids and parents regarding proper care of equipment after a RAINY GIG. Please read this carefully so that there is no damage to instruments and music.
#1. When you get home, everyone should wipe down their instrument with a dry cloth. Make sure no water remains on the outside of the instrument. Leave the instrument out of it's case and the case open AT LEAST overnight and preferably all the next day. Failure to do so can damage the instrument and get mold in the case (brass instruments and drums this means you too!)
#2. Carefully take all sheets of music out of the flip folder and lay them out to dry. Detach the pages of the folder and lay them out to dry as well.
#3. Hang up/lay out your raincoat and let it dry (even though it is waterproof, it can get funky if you wad it up and leave it in your car) AND BRING IT BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY.
Ok.. great job and see you on Monday!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Hey marching band, here's the link for Hal Leonard's "Thriller" that we're playing in the senior show. http://www.halleonard.com/search/search.do?subsiteid=1&keywords=Thriller
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Hey Band - Check out the new Band Bulletin Board in the band room. It'll be updated weekly with all the news you need to know. Need a ride to a band event. . . . there'll be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Parents - you can sign-up and let us know if you're available for car pooling.
Pasta fundraiser information is being distributed today. Orders are due in by Monday, October 19th. Return orders and payment to the Band Booster mailbox located just outside the uniform closet in the band room. All the proceeds from this fundraiser will be allocated to individual student accounts. Out-of-town friends & family can order using the code HBB3. we receive 40% from on-line orders and 50% from all other orders. It's a great way to start saving for the band trip next Spring. And don't forget. . .. for every fundraiser students participate in, they earn one entry in
to the band
trip raffle ! ! !
We're also taking pre-orders for the Howell Bear. The bear is 9" tall, has the Highlander logo embroidered on the front and Howell
Highlanders on the back. Cost is $10. $3.50 from each bear
students sell will be credited to their student account. Bears
will be delivered mid-November. Please e-mail Carol Stone
at cstone827@yahoo.com if you're interested in ordering any
bears. Sample bear will be available at the first band concert on
October 20th.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Due to a massive computer crash (Thanks snow leopard!), I have no drill. There will be no evening rehearsal tonight, 10/5/09. Rehearsal will commence as normal tomorrow, tuesday, 10/6/09. I could give you the long version of it, but that is the result. We have no drill. I will have to redo everything tonight. My humblest apologies.
-Mr. Smigell
p.s. dont forget the booster mtg. tomorrow 6:30pm
Friday, October 02, 2009
Repeat, Pep band is cancelled for tonight (10/2/09)! Please tell everyone you know so they don't show up with their instrument. You can still go to the game, but you will have to pay. The weather looked like it was going to play along, but now the chance for rain is going up... I have to make the call now to give people enough notice to change their plans...
We will be going to Brighton next... At this time the weather looks delightful... enjoy your weekend.
Repeat, Pep band is cancelled for tonight (10/2/09)! Please tell everyone you know so they don't show up with their instrument. You can still go to the game, but you will have to pay. The weather looked like it was going to play along, but now the chance for rain is going up... I have to make the call now to give people enough notice to change their plans...
We will be going to Brighton next... At this time the weather looks delightful... enjoy your weekend.
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