Sunday, October 05, 2008


Here is the layout for after school activities and special events for the week:

All day are tryouts for the Michigan Hockey pep band gig.  The kids have received the music for the tryout and know when the rehearsals are.  Here are the times in case you forgot or didn't hear about it:

What: We sub for the University of Michigan Hockey Pep band, this year it is this Saturday oct 11, the report time is 5PM at HHS.  The kids will be picked up and driven down to Yost ice arena in Ann Arbor Michigan.  They will get a free shirt and free hotdog, and will perform for 4000 rabid Michigan fans! Hooray!  Return time is around midnight.  

Rehearsals:  The three rehearsals are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week (oct. 7,8,and 9) from 3:30-4:30.  

Tuesday:  There is an extra marching band rehearsal on this day!  We are rehearsing with the 8th graders from 6-8 pm  Oct. 7th.  This is in preparation for the "perform with the 8th graders" game this coming Friday Oct. 10th.  It should be a rockin' good time!

More information will be forthcoming when it becomes available.

I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO WAS INVOLVED WITH THE HOMECOMING EVENTS!! Words cannot express how proud I was of all the kids!  They worked so hard and really performed well!  HOORAY!

ok... thats it for now..


Rehearsals for