Friday, February 15, 2008


Smigell Here! I am in the band office today but THE STUDENTS ARE ON BREAK!! This means that along with doing a bunch of ProDev (shop-talk for Professional Development... Ha ha) curricular stuff, I am catching up on a bunch of OLD BUSINESS. If you have been trying to get in touch with me.. THIS IS THE DAY!!! Email me at I am checking the email constantly!!! I am sorry if you are on my backlog, I am trying feverishly squeeze every drop out of this day to take care of unfinished business, because although I think kids are WONDERFUL, it is hard to get office work done while they are around. The direct line to my office in the band room is 517 540-8338. I don't check that voicemail very often, but I am in my office all day today, so if I don't pick up, just keep calling (I must be in the bathroom or something). I will pick up. I really want to make sure that folks (students and parents alike) feel like they can contact me because I know sometimes it can be hard to reach me. I do care, I really do. Just lots of stuff going on, and the squeaky... well you know how that goes.

ANYWAY, I have sopme great news for the people in the General Band Classes (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble). Mr. Kobylarz recorded the concert (Thanks Dude!) and Brian Roskamp uploaded the video onto YOUTUBE!! (Again, THANKS DUDE!) I would like the students to watch the video and if they have comments on what we can work do to get better to please write a response on Brian's blog. All of the instructions and how to do it is on the POST BELOW THIS ONE!! I really think this will be a good tool in our preparation for festival. 200-some sets of ears and eyes are better than one for listening and critiqueing our music. FOR THAT MATTER, parents, I know a lot of you are former or even current bandos yourself! Even if you are not, if you heard something at the concert that you think we are missing, chime in on the response blog!
