Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Hello Everyone,

I know there has been some confusion regarding everything that has happened since band camp.  Here is what we know and how Howell HS Bands are responding:
  • We have had five positive test results for Covid-19 amongst the membership of the marching band since we returned from band camp.  All protocols dictated to me by the school district and State of Michigan were followed to the letter.  All children were asymptomatic when we left and when we came back (One of the children that tested positive remarked on being "tired" the last day at camp but was attributed to heat exhaustion).
  • The School has taken over contact tracing and calling everyone affected by quarantines.  Howell Bands does not make these decisions, we only give the school the information needed to complete the process.  If your child was deemed a close contact, you will be contacted by the school within the next day.  
  • In an abundance of caution, we are cancelling marching band practices after school for this week (August 18th and 19th).  WE WILL BEGIN PRACTICES AS NORMALLY SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK.  NO OTHER CANCELLATIONS ARE PLANNED AT THIS TIME.  See below for our regular practice schedule:
  • August 18th and 19th practices CANCELLED!  No practice or football game on Friday, August 20th.
  • Bring a water bottle, your instrument and marching band music to all practices!
Starting the week of August 23rd (on days that we have school):
  • Mondays (no practice on Labor Day!) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
  • Friday practices TBA depending on the week (home games/away games)
!! Practices are mandatory !!  Please let Mr. Smigell or Mrs. Allegoet know if you can't make it.
Things seem to be "getting interesting" again.  I want you all to know I am doing my very best to balance performance opportunities while still being as responsible as I can from a safety perspective.  I will say this year that participating in band (just like coming to school) will involve a certain element of risk. 

I am still looking forward to this year.  Whatever it will be, it will be better than last year with our amazing kids and intrepid staff.

- Jason Smigell