Final, total cost for the New York trip is $1,038. You can look up your balance due on the trip company website. REMEMBER: If you used any Charms fundraising money, subtract that from the amount you are paying. The amount due will not change on your on-line account. Once the trip company receives your Charms monies from us, they will post it to your account (early next week).
Final payment for the trip is due by this Thursday, February 20th! Balance must be paid in full on or before February 20th! Payment coupons are available in the band room or by clicking on the link below: DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR PAYMENT IN THE BAND ROOM! YOU MUST MAIL CHECKS TO EDUCATIONAL TOURS YOURSELF!
Pre-Festival/Winter Concert - Tuesday, February 25th at 7 p.m.
For: Concert, Symphonic, Highlander Bands & Wind Ensemble
Where: Rod Bushey Auditorium
When: Report time for students is 6:30 p.m.
What to wear: Your concert uniform (black pants, socks & shoes with white concert shirt & black bow tie)
Hope to see you there!