This is a message distribution forum for the Howell High School band. If you have any questions, you can email the director, Jason Smigell at The band office phone number is 517 234 6446. Emails sent to the email address are public. All personal, non-business emails should be directed to
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Yankee Candle Fundraiser starts tomorrow. Students who participate will earn a portion of the proceeds for their own student account. This can help pay for band camp, the trip next year, music lessons & instrument repair and parts. Please pick up your packet in the band room. Money is due on the date you turn in your order. Checks or money orders made out to Howell Band Boosters only. NO CASH!! If payment is not included, your order will not be placed. Orders and payments are due October 5, 2016. There is a locked mailbox in the band room where you will turn these in. Please do not give it to another student or Mr. Smigell. Happy fundraising!!