Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Memorial Day Parade / Picnic and Commencement

11 more days of school left and we still have a few things left to do in the band program!

Memorial Day Parade: MB

Final Practice:
Thurs May 21st: 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Parade Report Time:
Mon May 25th: @ 8:45am at the HHS Band Room
~ Taking a few school buses to the parade
~ Parade Starts @10am
~ Students take the school buses back to the HHS to change out of their uniform


Memorial Day Picnic:

We are still in need of a few volunteers and some items for the picnic. The VolunteerSpot sign up link is provided below - with what we are currently in need of and for people to sign up for. Thank you for all the volunteers that help make this fun event come together! <3

Sign Ups: Picnic VP Link

- Starts directly after the parade (after the students change from their uniforms, they can head over there) and is located at Howell City Park @ Thompson Lake
- Parking Passes will be given out at uniform hand in to get in
- It is the students responsibility to have a ride to / from the Picnic; this is an optional fun social event to wrap up the band program's school year and to say goodbye to this years Seniors.
- This is for the whole band program and their family to celebrate together.

Commencement: SB / WE

Sat May 30th: @MSU Breslin Center

Uniform - Nice dress pants / top and dress skirt / top (think first band concert - something NICE, no tshirts, jeans, etc.)

Report Time: @ 2pm at the HHS Band Room
Busses Leave: @ 2:45pm
Sound Check: @3:30pm - Student will be seated then
~~ Pizza and Snacks provided for Students Dinner around this time ~~
Doors Open to the Public: @4pm
Commencement Starts: @5pm

*Due to the nature of this event, there is no exact timing when it will be over and the students will most likely be back at HHS around 8/9pm - for exact times - please watch the blog / facebook for up-to-date postings of the bands ETA and students are encouraged to phone home as we leave*

** Students are to have a late lunch prior to the report time. There will only be the one meal at about 3:45pm/4pm. There will be no stops on the way home for a late dinner (since it was provided before Commencement started). **

Band Camp:

Thanks to everyone who handed their forms and at least the initial payment on time. Marching band is very close to being full. There is a possibility of a wait list and/or having to turn students away who have not turned in their forms AND initial payment (we still have about 30 students have only turned in either a) uncompleted/no forms but the initial payment or b) no initial payment but completed forms).

Please get these papers and the initial payment in ASAP. We would hate to turn students away but it is very possible that we might have to this year. It is not too late to join if you haven't yet - we still have a few spots open, but we will not accept anyone past Friday, June 5th.

The full payment is due Friday, June 5th ($325 - $50 deposit = $275) - any forms missing are due by the time also.

Band Camp Forms: .docx // .pdf (Pdf seems to be more friendly)

~ Jade