Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fundraisers, Lock In, & Booster Meeting

We are giving you 1 more day to turn in the Pasta fundraiser.  Please turn in WEDS 3-18-15.

Grand Traverse Pie Company
Due March 27th
Gift certificates will be in before Spring Break for Easter pies!
Checks made out to Howell Band Boosters please.
No Cash!!
Contact Rochelle Rushlow w/questions 517-861-7110

It Works
Due April 1, 2015
This fundraiser only takes credit cards!!  Instructions on form.
Contact Renee Ward w/questions 248-390-7331

Students earn a percent of all sales.
8th graders participating, please note that you are an 8th grader, include your student number and phone number.
All students include your phone number on your order forms.

Band Booster meeting change for April
April 1, 2015
We are cleaning the band room after the meeting.  Anyone who can help w/this, including students, we would greatly appreciate the help.

Lock In!!!
May 8 & 9, 2015
9pm to 5am  NOTE TIME CHANGE
Incoming band Freshman and current band students are welcome.
We need many chaperones to make this work.  Please contact Christyne MacDermaid 734-476-0312, or christynemacdermaid@gmail.com if you can chaperone.  It is an awesome night!!