Friday, October 03, 2014

NO PEP BAND and announcement about Monday's practice

Hello all,

I am very very sorry if I mislead anyone by briefly posting that there was pep band tonight.  I have to be very careful in choosing this because I really don't like having kids stranded in the rain away from Howell, damaging their instruments.  On the other hand, kids love pep band and I love pep band too. I am sure now that I have cancelled pep band for tonight, it will be dry as a bone the rest of the night.  I will take the heat for that, I would rather err on the side of caution.   We will make sure to try very hard to make it to Novi.

I need to announce to everyone that practice on Monday (10/6/2014 is from 5:30-8:30PM. This is different than our normal time (We need some extra time because the 8th graders will be performing with us).

Again, I apologize for the mixup with pep band.  Hopefully the five people who saw the first post will re-check it.  I always empathize with superintendents across the state when they have to decide on snow days.

Have a great weekend everyone.
