Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Boston Rehearsal Information for students going on the trip PLEASE READ.

Hello all,

Information will be coming in fast and furious about Boston over the next few days.  IT IS GETTING VERY CLOSE!  I hope you are all excited to be going.  We have to get our music ready to go though... so I have set 3 rehearsals.  I expect everyone to make all three, but in the event of conflicts, YOU MUST MAKE AT LEAST 2 OF THEM.

The rehearsals are:

Wednesday April 9th,  2014  2:30-4:00pm

Monday, April 21st 2014 5-7PM

Tuesday, April 22nd 2014 5-7PM

I know everyone is busy, but we need to make these happen.  If you have no conflicts, DO NOT MISS ANY.

Let's make sure that we represent ourselves well in beantown.  Practice your parts and don't slack.
