Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Band Camp is HERE!

Hey all!

Tomorrow kicks off the first day of Pre Band Camp! If you are a Squad Leader or Drum Major - your report time tomorrow ( Aug 15th ) for SQUAD LEADER DAY is 8:00 am opening.  Rehearsal begins at 8:30- Don't be late!

Friday is NEWBIE DAY ( Aug 16th ) for all incoming freshmen and new members of the marching band. Mr Smigell will be answering any question you may have at 8:00 am.  Rehearsal starts at 8:30.

We should be done by 2pm on both days, although if we work hard, we could be done earlier.

Remember to wear tennis shoes (no sandals!) and bring your instrument and a water bottle.  We WILL be outside - so wear sunscreen and clothes for the weather. Sunglasses are fine.

For EVERYONE: On Sunday, August 18 - Please report at 7:30am SHARP. We will check in, turn medication into the nurse if needed, and load up! We want to make it on the road ASAP to be able to unpack before our lunch time. You do NOT want to be the person that makes the band late to lunch.

The weather seems to be cooler than past years - but like always, Michigan weather is unpredictable. Make sure you are prepared for cooler than average weather in the evening.  Highs are supposed to be in the 80's, lows in the 50's.  Please look to the Band Camp Packing List for help and guidelines - and remember to follow school rules while packing.

Drumline / Pit : As Kim Zepp has mentioned - your report time is 7:15am to help load your instruments.

~ Nicole Prewett

* I am helping Mr. Smigell at Band Camp as a technician and will be working with the band this season as a drill writer/ editor. I am excited to be able to meet you all (if I haven't met you yet) at Band Camp and can't wait for what awaits this season.