Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yankee Candle & Basket Raffle

Yankee Candle orders are in!
Pick up in the band room, follow the yummy smell.
The boxes will have student's names on them.  They'll also have 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.  Make sure you get them all!

We are also having a basket raffle at the spring concert.  Any fun items that you think someone might want to win.  Put it together in a fun way & bring it in.  Feel free to pick a theme, MI basket, Movie Basket, Candy Basket etc.  We will pick winners at the concert, May 21.  Contact Francine Sumner if your family, (or go in w/another family) can put together a basket.  Francine's contact info for the baskets is  Please give her at least 24 hours to respond to your email.  All proceeds will go to the Band!