Friday, October 01, 2010

Tag Day Update


Please come to the band room to get into your uniform!
Flags or twirlers can wear their own costume!

Arrive at 8:15am if you signed up for the morning shift
Arrive at 11:15am if you signed up for the afternoon shift

After getting into uniform, you will be divided into groups and driven by a parent helper to a business. You will be picked up from the business at the end of your shift and returned to the high school to turn in your uniform. I will explain the rest in the band room before leaving.

If there is anyone who still wants to participate, please let Christyne MacDermaid know via phone or text to 734-476-0312. I'll also be at the Milford Game tonight!

PLEASE read Mr. Smigell's post below about Pep Band tonight!!!

Mrs. MacDermaid