Support the Arts! and make this a family outing or 'date' night! :)
The High School Performing Arts department, headed by drama teacher, Amanda Malo, along with the musical scores performed by the Pit band under the direction of Jason Smigell and chorale direction by Rod Bushey proudly present: "Guys and Dolls". Cast and crew of 60 plus including a few guest appearances of teachers(Shhh, I will tell you, Mr. Bushey is one!) and staff from the HS and Freshman campus. Performance dates are Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 19 at 2:00p.m. Tickets are $9.00 for an adult and $7.00 for student and senior. Held in the auditorium, tickets can be purchased by calling 548.6216.
This is a message distribution forum for the Howell High School band. If you have any questions, you can email the director, Jason Smigell at The band office phone number is 517 234 6446. Emails sent to the email address are public. All personal, non-business emails should be directed to
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tag Day's weather was braved by the kids and the public supported them! Feedback from the kids was although cold, the businesses and public were generous and kind. Thanks to Vicky and Robin for offerring to coordinate this fundraiser and to the parent's help from picking up, dropping off and counting money. Looking ahead, we will be discussing this along with the other fundraisers for the remainder of the year and to get a jump start for the next school year at Parker, at our next band booster meeting. If you would be interested in heading any of these areas please contact me or Margaret and we will note it on our agenda. Hope to see you at the next meeting.
Julie 517.303.4850
Margaret 517.548.2324
Julie 517.303.4850
Margaret 517.548.2324
Friday, October 27, 2006
The weather radar shows that widespread showers are moving into the area from the south and will continue throughout the evening. With everyone so busy and not wanting to strand anyone out there, I regretfully have to make the call now. My deepest apologies to the Football Team. BEST OF LUCK!!!!
Hockey band and tag day are still happening as regularly scheduled. Here is the info for both events:
The weather radar shows that widespread showers are moving into the area from the south and will continue throughout the evening. With everyone so busy and not wanting to strand anyone out there, I regretfully have to make the call now. My deepest apologies to the Football Team. BEST OF LUCK!!!!
Hockey band and tag day are still happening as regularly scheduled. Here is the info for both events:
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Don't forget the concert on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. We will have band spiritwear for sale in the auditorium lobby beginning at 6 pm. These would make great Christmas gifts! Vicky Kihn will also have marching band sectional pictures available to order at that time. Thanks parents for a great tailgate last Friday, and for all the help that Vicky received in organizing the band photos. Any questions on pictures, contact Vicky at 517.548.5171. Also thanks to Danna Glynn for making the delicious and beautiful senior cakes.
Make sure to stop at our spiritwear table if you would like to provide your email address to me to get band calendar and/or news.
Margaret Bigham or 517.548.2324
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hello Bandos and Bando Parents!
Wow, it is crazy that marching season is almost over!!! It seems like it just started. I am so proud of the kids so far, and there are so many wonderful things on the horizon!
and now, in the news....
THERE IS A CONCERT NEXT WEEK!!! NEXT TUESDAY AT 6:30PM IN THE 10-12 AUDITORIUM!!! (Yes, the time is correct). The Concert Band, the Symphonic Band, the Wind Ensemble, and the Percussion Ensemble will all be performing!! Report time is 6:00PM. Dress is "Relaxed Dress Casual". This means: No tennis shoes, no flip-flops, no sweatshirts, no jeans, no t-shirts, no sweat pants. Obviously, school clothing rules apply as well. Nice choices for gentlemen: Sweater and slacks, nice shirt and khakis, shirt and tie (pants pulled up, guys!). Nice choices for ladies: Same as gentlemen plus school appropriate skirts, dresses and/or blouses. I suppose the gentlemen can wear skirts too, but this has never occured as of yet. THIS CONCERT IS MANDATORY. If you have a conflict, please let me know now!!! We can almost always work it out!
Pit band postings and a calendar will be out soon!
REPORT TIME FOR THE FOOTBALL GAME THIS FRIDAY IS 4:30!!! This will be a busy day, as we have to acknowledge and thank our seniors, along with tailgate and some section pictures. SENIOR PARENTS/GAURDIANS: you need to have your child fill out the 3X5 card with their name (and how to pronounce it), which parents/guardians are joining them, and what they plan to do after graduation (short description). The Senior band members will be in their uniforms. Some parents/guardians get dressed up, others do not. Senior parent/guardians should be ready to step off with the band at 6:15pm. You can either join us at the stadium or walk over with us from the band room. I know the boosters provide either a flower or a balloon for your senior to present you... It is a nice ceremony and a fitting way to thank them for 4 years of Music, fun, friendship, and hard work.
Here is the schedule for Friday:
4:30 all MB members report
5:00 short tailgate
5:45 pictures/uniforms
6:15 stepoff
6:30 senior ceremony
6:45 pregame
7:00 kickoff
8:00-8:15 halftime
9:00-9:45 done
Rehearsals have been moved to different times... PLEASE NOTE!!!
Wednesday, Oct. 25th 6:30-7:30am
Thursday, Oct 26th, 6:30-7:30am
Friday Oct. 27th 2:30-3:30pm
Report time Satudray will be around 5:00 pm... definite time soon tba!!
Ok... that is all the news I have for now. More to come soon!!!
Wow, it is crazy that marching season is almost over!!! It seems like it just started. I am so proud of the kids so far, and there are so many wonderful things on the horizon!
and now, in the news....
THERE IS A CONCERT NEXT WEEK!!! NEXT TUESDAY AT 6:30PM IN THE 10-12 AUDITORIUM!!! (Yes, the time is correct). The Concert Band, the Symphonic Band, the Wind Ensemble, and the Percussion Ensemble will all be performing!! Report time is 6:00PM. Dress is "Relaxed Dress Casual". This means: No tennis shoes, no flip-flops, no sweatshirts, no jeans, no t-shirts, no sweat pants. Obviously, school clothing rules apply as well. Nice choices for gentlemen: Sweater and slacks, nice shirt and khakis, shirt and tie (pants pulled up, guys!). Nice choices for ladies: Same as gentlemen plus school appropriate skirts, dresses and/or blouses. I suppose the gentlemen can wear skirts too, but this has never occured as of yet. THIS CONCERT IS MANDATORY. If you have a conflict, please let me know now!!! We can almost always work it out!
Pit band postings and a calendar will be out soon!
REPORT TIME FOR THE FOOTBALL GAME THIS FRIDAY IS 4:30!!! This will be a busy day, as we have to acknowledge and thank our seniors, along with tailgate and some section pictures. SENIOR PARENTS/GAURDIANS: you need to have your child fill out the 3X5 card with their name (and how to pronounce it), which parents/guardians are joining them, and what they plan to do after graduation (short description). The Senior band members will be in their uniforms. Some parents/guardians get dressed up, others do not. Senior parent/guardians should be ready to step off with the band at 6:15pm. You can either join us at the stadium or walk over with us from the band room. I know the boosters provide either a flower or a balloon for your senior to present you... It is a nice ceremony and a fitting way to thank them for 4 years of Music, fun, friendship, and hard work.
Here is the schedule for Friday:
4:30 all MB members report
5:00 short tailgate
5:45 pictures/uniforms
6:15 stepoff
6:30 senior ceremony
6:45 pregame
7:00 kickoff
8:00-8:15 halftime
9:00-9:45 done
Rehearsals have been moved to different times... PLEASE NOTE!!!
Wednesday, Oct. 25th 6:30-7:30am
Thursday, Oct 26th, 6:30-7:30am
Friday Oct. 27th 2:30-3:30pm
Report time Satudray will be around 5:00 pm... definite time soon tba!!
Ok... that is all the news I have for now. More to come soon!!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Band Booster meeting dates for the year: October 17, November 14, December 19, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 17 and May 8. All meetings are at 7:00 p.m. in the band or choir room. Hope to see some new faces there! We'd love to meet you--please come!
Margaret Bigham....... 517.548.2324
Margaret Bigham....... 517.548.2324
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Last night's tailgate tasted great! I hope everyone got at least a bite of the brisket that the Webster's cooked and served in style: hat and all! The pork brisket was a nice compliment, the potato dishes, beans, soup, salads, cookies, brownies, doughnuts, cider and coffee were a welcome warmth on a cold night. Hope we gave a warm welcome to the 8th graders and their parents. Saw a lot more 8th grade parents than usual. Thanks to everyone who donated their time and/or food. We have some awesome parental support!
We have a very important tailgate next weekend that I hope all band parents contribute to for two reasons: one it is the Senior recognition night and it is sadly the last! So I am starting early with requests and hope that if you haven't had an opportunity to donate in the past that you can now. Please contact me the earlier the better to make this a special night.....Julie 517.303.4850
We have a very important tailgate next weekend that I hope all band parents contribute to for two reasons: one it is the Senior recognition night and it is sadly the last! So I am starting early with requests and hope that if you haven't had an opportunity to donate in the past that you can now. Please contact me the earlier the better to make this a special night.....Julie 517.303.4850
Thursday, October 12, 2006
This is a fairly important post... sorry its a little late.
And now... in the news:
Students will need:
black sox
MB white gloves
green howell band shirt
show music
functioning instrument and equipment
Tailgate and 8th grader is 5:00pm
stepoff is at 6:30.
Pregame at 6:45
halftime approx. 7:45-8:00-ish
done/pickup time 9:30ish
BEWARE!!! It is supposed to be REALLY cold and snowy! Thermal underwear and long sleeve tshirts under the uniform are suggested. No jeans! Color guard and majorettes are allowed to bring letter jackets to the game or borrow them from someone else to keep warm.
We will be playing with the eighth graders in the stands!!! Let's all make them feel welcome and provide a good example!!!!
These are the hockey band results. Hockey band personell are required to be at the 3 rehearsals (oct 25, 26, 27 2:30-3:30pm) and the performance on the late afternoon of oct. 28th (picked up at 5pm, the game is at 7pm, they will be home around 11:00 or 11:30pm. If you made the band but are unable to meet the obligations, you need to let me know RIGHT NOW.
Without further ado:
Rayna Glynn
Vonnie Bigham
Michelle Garrett
Lona Cerwinski
Jordan Eschelman
Brittany Green
Kat Jakrewski
Eric Joseph
Dana Glynn
Alto Sax
Jeremy Ellens
Eric Grabijas
Mike Brown
Tiffany Dancer
Jack Palmer
Tenor Sax
Kyle Webster
Jane Galubensky
Ryan Heslip
Mike Block
Holly Williams
Ben Dennis
Brian Tworek
Kaitlyn Estes
Anthony Barrow
Scott Wittla
Paul Clifton
Alyssa Hayes
Travis Helsper
Connor Harlow
Josh Fenn (Tie2)
Brandon Wright (Tie2)
Eric Stants
Evan Wojtys
Dalton Matznik
Brian Leyder
Matt Ogg
Gary Schomberger
Andrew Williams-snare
David Kaplan-snare
Miranda Miller-snare
Nick Hoornstra-Tenors
Tim Bay-Tenors
Crystal Sexton-Bass1
Justin Hammack-Bass2
Kaitlyn Charette-Bass3
Brett Bansale-Bass4
Laura Cuthbertson-Cymbals
Adam Pasco-Cymbals
Ok... thats about it!!!
This is a fairly important post... sorry its a little late.
And now... in the news:
Students will need:
black sox
MB white gloves
green howell band shirt
show music
functioning instrument and equipment
Tailgate and 8th grader is 5:00pm
stepoff is at 6:30.
Pregame at 6:45
halftime approx. 7:45-8:00-ish
done/pickup time 9:30ish
BEWARE!!! It is supposed to be REALLY cold and snowy! Thermal underwear and long sleeve tshirts under the uniform are suggested. No jeans! Color guard and majorettes are allowed to bring letter jackets to the game or borrow them from someone else to keep warm.
We will be playing with the eighth graders in the stands!!! Let's all make them feel welcome and provide a good example!!!!
These are the hockey band results. Hockey band personell are required to be at the 3 rehearsals (oct 25, 26, 27 2:30-3:30pm) and the performance on the late afternoon of oct. 28th (picked up at 5pm, the game is at 7pm, they will be home around 11:00 or 11:30pm. If you made the band but are unable to meet the obligations, you need to let me know RIGHT NOW.
Without further ado:
Rayna Glynn
Vonnie Bigham
Michelle Garrett
Lona Cerwinski
Jordan Eschelman
Brittany Green
Kat Jakrewski
Eric Joseph
Dana Glynn
Alto Sax
Jeremy Ellens
Eric Grabijas
Mike Brown
Tiffany Dancer
Jack Palmer
Tenor Sax
Kyle Webster
Jane Galubensky
Ryan Heslip
Mike Block
Holly Williams
Ben Dennis
Brian Tworek
Kaitlyn Estes
Anthony Barrow
Scott Wittla
Paul Clifton
Alyssa Hayes
Travis Helsper
Connor Harlow
Josh Fenn (Tie2)
Brandon Wright (Tie2)
Eric Stants
Evan Wojtys
Dalton Matznik
Brian Leyder
Matt Ogg
Gary Schomberger
Andrew Williams-snare
David Kaplan-snare
Miranda Miller-snare
Nick Hoornstra-Tenors
Tim Bay-Tenors
Crystal Sexton-Bass1
Justin Hammack-Bass2
Kaitlyn Charette-Bass3
Brett Bansale-Bass4
Laura Cuthbertson-Cymbals
Adam Pasco-Cymbals
Ok... thats about it!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Friday the 13th TAILGATE!!(8th grade night)
Main dish is Barbecued Brisket! Keep in mind it is going to be a cold day and evening so side dishes can be kept warm just prior to serving. We have invited the 8th graders(125 total) to attend the tailgate but have yet to hear if any will be attending.
Spiritwear will be on sale with reduced costs on inventory. Given the weather, bet you wish you already had your hoodie and flannel pants! Orders can be placed that night and received within two weeks. Cate Doefer will be there to take your orders.
Call me with you food selection for the evening ASAP!
Julie 517.303.4850 leave a message.
Main dish is Barbecued Brisket! Keep in mind it is going to be a cold day and evening so side dishes can be kept warm just prior to serving. We have invited the 8th graders(125 total) to attend the tailgate but have yet to hear if any will be attending.
Spiritwear will be on sale with reduced costs on inventory. Given the weather, bet you wish you already had your hoodie and flannel pants! Orders can be placed that night and received within two weeks. Cate Doefer will be there to take your orders.
Call me with you food selection for the evening ASAP!
Julie 517.303.4850 leave a message.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Ok... I tried to put the link to the driving directions, but I failed. If you are reading this, then you can also go to a map website! Here is the address:
Walled Lake Western HS
600 Beck Rd
Walled Lake, MI 48390
Basically, it is near the Wixom/Walled Lake Exit off of I-96.
Today (October 10th)
Report time will be 4:15 PM for final runthrough and to get into uniforms. Our performance at WWLHS will be at 7:15 PM. We will be leaving HHS at about 5:15 PM on the busses. We will not be supplying food, so have the kids bring some snacks. I am feeling very good about our show right now, even though that is mixed with the normal nervousness. I hope you can all make it to the performance!!!
THERE IS NO PRACTICE ON WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK! I thought that the kids would need a break after all the work that they have put in. Report time for Friday (home game vs. South Lyon)will be coming soon.
One last thing: We will be wearing BLACK SOCKS with the uniform from now on. My experiment failed... oh well.
I think that is it... till next time
Ok... I tried to put the link to the driving directions, but I failed. If you are reading this, then you can also go to a map website! Here is the address:
Walled Lake Western HS
600 Beck Rd
Walled Lake, MI 48390
Basically, it is near the Wixom/Walled Lake Exit off of I-96.
Today (October 10th)
Report time will be 4:15 PM for final runthrough and to get into uniforms. Our performance at WWLHS will be at 7:15 PM. We will be leaving HHS at about 5:15 PM on the busses. We will not be supplying food, so have the kids bring some snacks. I am feeling very good about our show right now, even though that is mixed with the normal nervousness. I hope you can all make it to the performance!!!
THERE IS NO PRACTICE ON WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK! I thought that the kids would need a break after all the work that they have put in. Report time for Friday (home game vs. South Lyon)will be coming soon.
One last thing: We will be wearing BLACK SOCKS with the uniform from now on. My experiment failed... oh well.
I think that is it... till next time
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