This is a message distribution forum for the Howell High School band. If you have any questions, you can email the director, Jason Smigell at The band office phone number is 517 234 6446. Emails sent to the email address are public. All personal, non-business emails should be directed to
Thursday, August 31, 2006
If anyone does not have a marching band uniform yet, or if you need some alterations to your uniform, you must see Mrs. Baker on Thursday, Sept. 7, during your band class time. This is your last chance before the game on Friday, Sept. 8.
Margaret Bigham
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Our motto this year (among other things, but this is the main one): "If we do what we've always done, we will always get the same results. Good isn't good enough anymore!!!"
Hello everybody!! First things first, there is one more practice before school starts and that is tomorrow morning, thursday August 31st, 2006 from 7 am-8 ish(squad leaders may wish to extend practice to as long as 9am. Remember there is no practice on labor day.
Read the previous blog for information about weekly practices.
Now, in the news:
MR. SMITH, OUR NEW PRINCIPAL, IS TRYING TO CHANGE THE SOCIAL CLIMATE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL!! HE WANTS US TO PLAY AS THE KIDS COME IN ON THE FIRST DAY!! Please come in a 7:15 am is you can on tuesday morning (the first day of school). Squad leaders, please email this around so everyone gets the message!!!! Drumline, flags, and majorettes, this means you too! BE THERE!!!
THE BAND HAS BEEN INVITED ONCE AGAIN TO PLAY FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HOCKEY TEAM!! Every year for the past 5 years, the HHS pep band has been invited to fill in for the hockey pep band when the U of m band is on the road. Well once again (Drum Roll)... THEY HAVE ASKED US TO DO IT!!! HOORAY! the date is saturday october 28th. Tryouts for this group will occur shortly after school starts.
I NEED A MEMBER OF THE COLOR GUARD TO BRING IN THEIR VARSITY LETTER. I am finalizing an order for more varsity letters and I am going through a different company. They need a xerox of the design so they can duplicate it.
SENIOR PICNIC IS AT MY PLACE 7061 HERBST (mapquest it) PLEASE READ THIS!!! THE PICNIC STARTS AT 5:30 (seniors, call the people you know that don't check this blog. if people show up at 4, I won't be there yet!!!) , the picnic goes till... whenever. I supply the burgers and dogs,and 3 acres, y'all supply the side dishes and softdrinks (See Emily Ellison or jane or kristine alexander about who is bringing what. Don't just bring chips!!). This picnic will have other band parents present, and it obviously is a picnic steeped in MORAL VALUES, so have no fear! IF you run into other non MB but still in the band program seniors, pass this along!! It would be cool to see them too!
very well... capital work! .... Carry on... harrrumph... so forth...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
There was a little mixup involving whether or not there was practice this morning. There was not. It has been posted on the blog for a while, but I realized that we could be a bit more clear. Until I figure out a way to do that with links and files, let me point out a few of the more important posts:
The las two after the football game.
the post orgiginally published on July 13th and updated on 8/1/06.
These provide the most important information regarding our organization
There IS practice tomorrow August 30th from 7am-8am. AFTER THAT, THERE WILL BE GROUP PICTURES UNTIL 9:30
There will be practice again on August 31st from 7-8 am. THERE IS NO GAME OR ROAD PEP BAND FOR THIS WEEK. Our next performance is on 9/8/06 (next friday versus Milford)
Enjoy the long weekend!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Hoodies and Flannel Jammy pants are featured again this year and are a favorite with the kids! Sizes range from small to 2X ($2 for 2x) in both. Hoodies are $30. and are available as green with gold lettering or gold with green lettering and can be personalized(add $5.). Great for the upcoming school year in order to show your band pride! Flannel jammy pants run $23. and are green and gold Howell plaid. These can be personalized down the leg with "Howell Band" or your name(add $5.). Orders can be made by contacting Cate Doefer at 517.552.9245 and can take approximately one week. All orders must be prepaid with check or money order and made out to HBBA, P.O. Box 2113, Howell, Michigan 48843. Order forms are in the band room also. She is also at tailgates with some additional items like: tshirts, sweatshirts, bandanas and a few waterproof blankets at reasonable prices. We are hoping to add additional items like the much needed water bottle and baseball caps once the logo is determined.
Does anyone keep hearing or whistling the Chicken Song? I have to quit hanging out by the band! :)
Band members: Bring water bottles with your name on it so you can take it to the field with you during practice.
CAR WASH UPDATE! The date for the Car Wash has been changed to September 16, same time. This event is open to all band members! As stated previously, you can stay for a four hour shift morning or afternoon, or stay all day if you like. Money earned will be applied to each student account according to hours worked. We are in need of donated towels(and we will need lots and lots!), sponges, car wash detergent, long hoses, buckets and parents to supervise!! The owner is not only letting us use his facility and water that day but any service he receives, he will give 10% to the band boosters. So Parents, if you are in need of an oil change, like me, hold off and have it done that day!! Sign up board on the chalk board.
Tailgate donation update to follow next week for the 9/8 game. Thanks to all who provided the food and served! Many of the kids told me how much they appreciated it. We are in need of water!! They are supposed to be given water after they return into the stands following their opening performance, not when they first arrive to the stadium. After half time they have a brief break from 'the stands' and are on their own if they are hungry or thirsty. Should we have extra water they are definitely allowed to take. Call me if you are interested in donating water. Keep in mind there are approximately 128 band members.
Gosh, I am sure that I am forgetting something!?
Julie Dennis 517.303.4850
Friday, August 25, 2006
What a game!!!! I really hope out of all this that four things are understood:
1. I want all the MB students to know how very proud I was to be their director tonight. You know that this isn't sunshine (because it wasn't all sunshine tonight, right?), this is the best beginning I have ever had to a year as a band director. Some of it is due to a new attitude on my part, but most of it has to do with all you band members picking up the vibe and rolling with it!! 95% of the night went CLOSE TO PERFECT (we'll get to what I thought wasn't perfect in a minute). THUMBS UP, FOLKS!
2. To the boosters who helped at the football game: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have never had so much widespread help. It seemed like there were twice as many people assisting us tonight, and doing a great job. In the past, the work was shouldered by a valiant, frazzled few who always were burnt out by the end of the season. I would really like to prevent that this year by coninuing to involve even more (WAY MORE) people so that we get just as much (if not way more) done and keep from having the lifeforce sucked out of you!!
3. I hope the football team takes this as a learning experience rather than a crushing defeat. They played their hearts out and should be proud of themselves. They were never supposed to be even close and they almost won. These guys are worth supporting and so we shall....
4. We all have to try EVEN HARDER if we want to get where we want to go this year.
Ok... Here is the rest of the take on the football game. I was mad because We looked so great the rest of the night and it was reallyout of hand on the way back. This was a departure from our occasional "casual marches" that have happened in the past. It was everybody's fault, including my own for not being more specific. We will have a talk about how we conduct ourselves at the end of the night. In retrospect, it was not toobad, but compared to everything else that happened (your excellent march to the stadium, nice pregame, super enthusiasm in the stands, and great performance on the field), it really stuck out. There, I said it.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hello Band Bloggites!
Here is the information for the football game tomorrow!
Report time: 3:30 PM with instrument, music, black shoes, white socks, khaki shorts, and the CURRENT BAND SHIRT (If you were not at the parade, we will have your band shirt for you there. THIS UNIFORM MUST BE ADHERED TO!!
Tailgate (Food for all band members and some guests too!) approx 4:30. We may have to practice a little into the tailgate time (the rain chewed up some of our time yesterday), but we will make sure that there is at least a half hour to eat.
Get ready: 5:30 PM
Step off: 6:10 PM
Stake out stadium 6:25
Pregame: 6:45
Kickoff: 7:00
halftime Approx 7:40 (very approximate time... Could later, could be sooner, you never know..)
Yes, you have to stay until the end of the game!!!
Game will be done around 9:30 or 10pm
Couple of other important announcements!
PRACTICE NEXT WEDNESDAY AND NEXT THURSDAY START AT 7:00 AM INSTEAD OF 7:30 AM!!!! Practice on Wednesday will go only until 8:00 am but practice on Thursday will go until 9:30 am.
PRACTICE TIME HAS CHANGED FOR EVERY MONDAY DURING THE SEASON. We are bumping it back either an hour or half hour, stay tuned, (As in a few hours) and the blog will be updated.
Julie, Margaret, is there anything I've missed? Kat, Big J, other minions, have I skipped anything important? EMAIL ME.
See you tomorrow... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Jason was pleased (and should be) with last year's events such as "getting a medal for the second time after only two years attending marching band festival, the numbers of kids attending solo and ensemble festival, the smokin' jazz band, Irish Band, technology class; the fantastic entertainment of Howellpalooza and Collage Concert" - and this year is shaping up to be even better! I can't wait to see what Jason and the bands have in store for us. It's gonna be an awesome year!
To start off the year, I have news from the Majorettes. Jessica Hayes and Kayla Dillon each won their overall title for their age division at the national competition! Way to go girls!
IMPORTANT NEWS - Students, please have your parents read this section regarding uniforms and tailgates!
MARCHING BAND UNIFORM FITTINGS - FRESHMEN or any others new to the band program - We kindly ask that you stay after band practice on Thursday, Aug. 24, to be fitted for your uniform. We will have several volunteers available to get this done as quickly as possible. If you cannot stay after on that day, we will also be able to fit you on Thursday, August 31. August 31 is also the 9th grade orientation day at the Freshman campus. We will be in the band room each day from 9:30 am to approx. 11 am.
TAILGATE - The place to be on Friday, August 25, beginning at 4:30 pm! We need some donations for our menu of Tacos and fixings! We would like to get some donations of shredded cheese, lettuce, soft taco shells, and lemonaid mix. Please call or email Julie Dennis to let her know what you can bring at 517-303-4850, email We won't ever turn down a dessert, so you are welcome to send those in also. Parents, you are encouraged and welcomed to join us! Bring your own chair; we meet on the lawn outside the band room. If you cannot send in plates, napkins, cups, or food, we gladly accept gifts of cash to pay for the dinner. A donation jar will be on the table. See you Friday!
If you have any questions about band booster events, please give me a call at 548-2324 or email
Margaret Bigham
We have a CarWash set up for Saturday, September 9, between 8:30ish and 4:30ish. This is to be held at the Cruz N Valvoline on Grand River across from Brighton Ford. Mr. John Hummel had presented this opportunity when he agreed to a program with Brian Doefer on 10% of any services and the proceeds going to the Boosters. The day is broken up into two shifts and we encourage you to participate for half or all day. It should be a lot of fun! We have to provide the hoses, buckets, sponges, and lots of dry towels, etc. so if you sign up I will be calling to find out what you will be bringing that day. Based on how many hours worked the funds will be directed into your student account which is designed to offset costs for band camp etc. Look for the sign up sheet in the band room or contact me directly. Parents would be great in supervising and moving the cars along so please come join us.
Again, along with the car wash, we have an ongoing agreement that with any oil change a percentage goes to the band boosters providing you tell them that. Please look for the flyer on the band room wall and at the five tailgates. Stop by!
Julie Dennis 517.303.4850 cell
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Hey everybody!
GREAT JOB at the parade yesterday!!! I received many many comments from people that there is "something different about us this year" and that "you guys look a lot better this year" (they then had to backpedal and say "not that you looked bad before"). My take on it is this. Every year, we talk about doing things differently, this year, we are actually DOING THEM.
LET'S KEEP IT UP! I mean, why not, right? We can do it!!
ok.. in the news:
Please welcome Margret Bigham and Julie Dennis to the blog!!-
Margret and Julie now will be posting things on this blog for the boosters. Stay tuned for info on the uniforms, car washes, and something else I forgot.....
-After the parade, you should have left your instrument out to dry and your raincoat draped over something to air out. If the instrument is in it's case or the raincoat is crumpled up, FIX IT!!! Both run the risk of catching the dreaded PURPLE DOT DISEASE!!! Please take care of your equipment and bring the raincoat back to the band room on tuesday, august 22, 2006 at 7:30 am (BECAUSE THAT IS OUR NEXT PRACTICE!!!)
ok.. once again, great job at the parade, and see you tuesday!!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Hello bandos accross the district... The weather radar indicates that this system will pass before the stepoff time. We have raincoats (nice ones actually) To protect both student and instrument!! Report time is still as listed in the previous post.
See you there...
p.s. For future reference... A PARADE IS ALMOST NEVER CALLED OFF!! Tornados have to be sucking up spectators for the parade to be cancelled. That's why we are the few, the proud, the band!
Thursday, August 17, 2006

SOAP (Snakes on a Plane) WARNING
Hello Band Blog readers,
As many of you know, I have been hyping SNAKES ON A PLANE for the past few weeks. It has occurred to me that I should warn everyone that snakes on a plane (The coolest movie in the world even though I have not seen it yet) may not be cool for everyone to see. I just found out that the movie is rated "R" and that there is swearing, limited nudity, and lots of death by snakebite in it. Kids, make sure your parents know what you are going to see if you go tonight. Let it be known that SoaP is not sanctioned, recommended or suggested viewing by HHS bands in any way. Having said that... ON TO THE REAL INFORMATION...
Date:August 19th, 2006
Report time:10:30am at the Howell Police Department parking lot (The street closes at 11:00 am, so don't be late!!)
Band room opens: 9:30am for anyone who needs to get in there....
Parade starts: 12:00 noon
Uniform: The new band shirt (these will be distributed AT THE PARADE SITE), Khaki Shorts, White socks, Tennis shoes (Preferably white).
Water will be distributed after the parade at the parking lot across from CITIZEN's INSURANCE.
For those curious, I also provided a picture of the shirt design (we are using one of the new Howell Logos)
Good luck, and sorry if my SoaP warning keeps any of you bandos from getting to see the movie tonight.
p.s. other information about the season and a calendar can be found 2 posts back from this one ;)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Please call everyone you know that doesn't check this blog!! Squad leaders, call your squadlings! THERE IS NO PRACTICE NEXT TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2006. There will be practice on wednesday, August 16, and Thursday, august 17, both from 7:30am to 9:30am.
This week in the news:
-Band camp went very very well!! Mr. Stimson and I both agree that this was the best camp that we have had since we arrived at Howell. I am REALLY looking forward to starting the season!
-Mr. Shouldice will not be working with Howell Schools anymore. He has decided to move on and accept the position of DIrector of Bands at Highland Middle School (feeding Milford HS). Although we are going to miss him very much, we knew it was just a matter of time before he got to captain his own ship. We wish him all the best.
-First performance comin up is the MELONFEST PARADE!! Check the previous entry (Scroll below) for details on this and many many other things!