Monday, December 14, 2009

Only 70 Howell Highlander Bears left. . . . . . get yours before we run out ! ! ! !

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Band Stuff you need to know...

Livingston County Honors Band Auditions

Wednesday, December 9th, 4-7pm
Brighton High School
Check Blog if there is Inclement weather

Holiday Concert
Thursday, December 10th, 7pm
HS Auditorium

Report Time:
Percussion/Stage crew: 6:00pm
Jazz band: 6:15pm
Everyone Else: 6:30pm

The Tuxedo Shirts are in, please see Mr. Smigell (Remember No $$$, No Shirt!)
Shirt $14.00, Bowtie: $3.00, Make checks out to Howell Bands

Concert Dress as Follows:

Concert Band: A standard white formal shirt (see above) and Black bowtie on top.
On bottom: Members should wear either black pants (no jeans or sweats, please) or school appropriate black skirt.

Symphonic Band: Same

Wind Ensemble:
Same, except that all members have been fitted with a Tuxedo jacket provided by the school.

Percussion Ensemble: All Black

Auditions will be starting next week for winter placement.

Solo & Ensemble
Music will be available next week.

Band Trip to Boston
Just a reminder that a deposit of $210 is due by December 15th to hold your spot for the trip. Make check out to Howell Bands and put in an envelope with your name on it and put it Mailbox in the Band Room.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Barnes and Noble!!!

Thank you to all of the parents and band students that came out in support of Howell Bands! Barnes and Noble's says we made approx. $500 right now. Final numbers in probably by band concert time. The students made $148 in tips from their awesome wrapping job! One Howell High English teacher, Mrs. Sebestyen, even wrote a check to our tip jar, and didn't need any wrapping!!

Mr. Moran bought a book at his kids fundraiser the night before to read @ 4pm, and then still bought to help our fundraiser out afterward! Thank you, thank you!!

Mr. Smigell did a great job during his storytime and the students talked about his book choices the rest of the evening!

Thank you to all who came out!!

Christyne MacDermaid

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Candle Fundraiser: Just a reminder that your Party-Lite Candle orders are due in no later than Monday, December 7th. Order forms and payment can be placed in the Band Booster mailbox in the Band Room. Checks should be made payable to Howell Band Boosters.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Mr. Buckner has asked me to tell you all that if you did not pick up the cheese cakes and cookies today, he will be available between 4:00 and 5:00 PM tomorrow at the high school in the band room.

Some important information is coming soon about a lot of things like the concert next week, Livingston county honors band, HHS 2nd semester auditions, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!  STAY TUNED!!

The Bears are FINALLY coming: I just received confirmation that the bears will be delivered on December 9th. It's my goal to have all of the orders available for pick-up at the concert on the 10th. If you haven't already paid, payment will be due when you pick up your bears. Don't worry if you haven't placed an order. . .there will also be bears available for purchase that night. Cost is $10 per bear.

At the concert, we'll also be selling a limited supply of Moon Munch & Santa Munch that is left over from the Fantasy of Lights sale. Moon Munch is pretzels "Drenched in caramel, dark, milk & white chocolate and sprinkled with toffee and white chocolate chips. Santa Munch is pretzels drenched in dark, milk, and whilte chocolate and sprinkled with cookie and pepeermint pieces. If you haven't tried them, let me tell you. . they are incredible. They are 6 oz boxes selling for $5 each. They make great Christmas presents.
URGENT: Just received notice that the Cookies/Cheesecakes are being delivered at 10:00 a.m. this morning. Mr. Buckner will be handling distribution. If you have questions, you can reach him at (517) 518-2116.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

FYI: Band Booster Meeting scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. Next meeting will be January 5th. See you at Barnes & Noble on Saturday.
Hey Symphonic Band!!!

This is the link to the piece that we are going to play (Save the Bunny!)