Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Meeting times for ever and ever

Hello All!

The first zoom meetings went really well I thought.  I wanted to let the parents know that I will be communicating with the kids ALL THROUGH GOOGLE CLASSROOM from here on out. 

I wanted to fill you in a little bit on how these weeks are going to work:

My lesson content is going to be posted in google classroom and explained at weekly zoom meetings.

Here are the hours that they will occur each Monday:

Concert Band: 10am-11am

Symphonic and Highlander Band: 11am-noon

Wind ensemble/Percussion ensemble: Noon-1pm

Kids will be sent zoom invites a couple of days in advance through their school emails.  I am not posting them for the public to cut down on hackers. 

I will be having my office hour EVERY WEDNESDAY from 11am-noon for people that could not make the Monday lesson, need help, or just want to hang out. 

If people want supplemental help or time, I will happily make smaller appointments on an individual basis. 

Ok that's about it.  Here's a video of my notes from the first meetings yesterday.
