Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Pasta orders are ready for pick up in the 10-12 band room. They are mostly alphabetical by last name. Please pay close attention for a second box if you have a larger order. Students that have really big orders and will probably need help getting them home are:
Amanda LaVigne, Emily Jordan (yours is all on a small table), Michael Strayer and Kaitlyn Sumner. The boxes are all labeled w/your name!
Rosie Hersh, Crystal Riemel, and Michael Strayer, you are all missing one item and I'll contact the company and get them to you asap.
Carly Rabideau you will most likely have your order shipped directly to your house. I received it late, so we'll do our best to get it to you before xmas break.
Big thank you to the drumline and Cody McDonald for helping me organize the pasta and orders!!

Alyssa Byington, I still have your Little Caeser's Pizza Kits in my freezer. Contact me to pick up please.

I still have Marching Band Hoodies that Mrs. Taylor ordered for Cody Murphy and Britney Winters. I'll bring them w/me to the concert, or give me a call if you'd like them before.
Mrs. MacDermaid