Monday, November 20, 2006

Richard Lim Photography photos of the "Guys and Dolls" pit band can be viewed at Click on High School, then Guys and Dolls then specifically the 11/9/06 date. There is also a poster of "The Pit" with the pit boss, Jason Smigell, so make sure you click on posters to catch that one too. Check back in a few days since he plans on updating the pictures from the dress rehersal after the 11/9 date. Please place order directly through Mr. Lim since he is giving a portion of the proceeds back to the drama department. I personally saw quite a few band faces there and appreciate you taking the time to support the efforts of the collaboration of the choir, band, drama and teaching staff. Could anyone make out what accent Mr. Bushey was using??french?irish? How about those keystone cops and mission band dolls?

Any questions or help call me.

Julie Dennis